by Yestsuae123
PLEASE help I have just a few hours to send this in.
[2 replies] Last: I've known some of my programs to take a few days. You should not wai... (by IWishIKnew)
Cannot make the get pointer of the file go in start |
[4 replies] Last: Thanks friend for your advices ....!!! You helped me a lot ..!!!! (by ThomasMylonas)
by Zu007
Error im graphics program
[4 replies] Last: then check if graphics library is enabled or not?Don't know procedure ... (by Akshit)
by Bobby94
Compiling Problem.
[9 replies] Last: Thanks Bufflez, I took a note of that. (by Bobby94)
by Bobby94
My First C++ Program xD
[16 replies] Last: Yes, it's working. Thanks guys! (by Bobby94)
by Owain
Dynamic allocation of multi-dimensial arrays
[4 replies] Last: int **pointer = new int *[range of elements] // this allocates a poi... (by BegProgrammer)
by gehuigert
Assigned string value is different than returned value
[1 reply] : The object ostringstream name; is created in the function nameHist. ... (by Moschops)
by deep707
Dealing With "for" Loop
[no replies]
by jmckemy
Yet another problem I can't solve
[2 replies] Last: Can you show where the mistake is? (by jmckemy)
by tatai
average from column
[6 replies] Last: I am using the following code for the purpose. I need to get the avera... (by tatai)
by treyriggins
Arrays With Pointers!!
[2 replies] Last: The code here is the original class. I am suppose to redesign the code... (by treyriggins)
by travisco
Need a point in the right direction
[3 replies] Last: That worked! Thank you so much! It was my IDE that was the issue. (by travisco)
by jorz
[3 replies] Last: Its macro I suppose (by Akshit)
by codaraxis
Path to Useful GUIs
[no replies]
by scarywoody
Is there a way around this? LNK2005 already defined in xx.obj
[17 replies] Last: If you need a shared variable, use extern. Define it only one time in... (by scarywoody)
by raps
searching from a file
[4 replies] Last: Thats because your code only gets the first line, and you really shoul... (by IWishIKnew)
Is there anyway to outfile >> something only when outfile is not existed |
[14 replies] Last: Intresting. I haven't gotten to threads (I like to call "Threads" mul... (by IWishIKnew)
by tyriuth
1value required as left operand of assignment
[3 replies] Last: Well, I added the other '=' in and now there is no error. And thanks n... (by tyriuth)
by Zu007
how to draw a graph for equation
[2 replies] Last: these inputs to draw a graph. by these inputs how to draw a graph (by Zu007)
by Deathheart14
Getline help
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the help it worked great. void setMakeModel () { c... (by Deathheart14)