Beginners - August 2012 (Page 21)

Error checking, stuck in loop
Hey Everyone, I don't understand why I'm stuck in a while-loop when i'm trying to error check. It's line 13-17 where I'm stuck in the error checking loop...
[4 replies] Last: You are telling it to do the following when rep does not equal 'n' OR ... (by KyleMiles)
by Trexed
Absolute beginner c++ If statment
Hello, could you please look at my code. It suppose to make the user type in a number, if the number is over 16 it will print out something, and if the number i...
[5 replies] Last: Does it still work perfectly if your age is 16? The way it is code... (by pnoid)
by samrux
Class variables?
I want to put variables inside a class, and make it so every function inside that class can use and edite it. I can't make it to work... I want to call the vari...
[10 replies] Last: samrux wrote: LowestOne, i just noticed you're using C. I use C++ bec... (by TheIdeasMan)
"no match for operator<" and "no match for operator>"
string Amount; if (Amount > 5 && Amount < 1) { //Rest of the code is here } For some reason the operators > and < wont work....
[7 replies] Last: btw, what's this use for? Space1 == Item; and the other similar ... (by chipp)
Beginner book
Hi im just starting out on C++ and im mostly going to be using C++ for making games, but i will still sometimes make regular programs. Im looking for a good boo...
[1 reply] : HI. I am learning c++ also and a thing that is better than a book is l... (by gerfy1)
Storing Obejcts in vectors
Hello I'm terrible at C++ but I do my best to learn. I'm trying to add objects of a class I created to a vector since they're going to vary greatly in numbe...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the tips Why the first part? I'm not that good at this bu... (by Jonas Wingren)
different variables for functions
in the code below i call the function split on the int a and b. i should like to savethe values in the global array a if it is called with a. and otherwise in b...
[1 reply] : You can pass in a pointer to the array you want to fill to the split f... (by mik2718)
Converting a variable from an int to a char(or string)
I am trying to make a blackjack game, and I am stuck trying to figure out how to convert the dealt card to a face card(if it is one). So far I have the program...
[3 replies] Last: if (card < 11) cout << card; else if (card == 11) cout << 'j'; e... (by Lowest0ne)
About files
POSITION pos = pcList->GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); if(!pos) return; GetCurrentDirectory(_MAX_PATH,szPath); if(!GetDirectory(this->m_hWnd, szP...
[2 replies] Last: I'm not so new, this is important for me (by spy man)
C library
Hi, I created the program only from the standard library, this program is a multiplatform? (win, linux) Or is it also depends on the compiler? Sorry for my...
[8 replies] Last: ok I thank all (by Damian666)
Flags & Hex Numbering
Hi :) I am reading a tutorial where the guy labels some flags in hex Flag1=0x000001; Flag2=0x000002; Flag3=0x000003; He then says " Now, notice how we ha...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys! Exactly what I needed (by Swizzler)
Able to use correct syntax as a beginner
This code took me while to figure out and a few re-reads of the explanations of each line of code for me to fully understand. Because this is new to me I don't ...
[1 reply] : The . in phrase.erase() ? I'm not exactly sure the proper terms for ... (by Lowest0ne)
Game loads
Hi everyone, I'm creating this simple word based game that has saves. I put the names of the saves each on a seperate line on a file that the program creates. ...
[3 replies] Last: Your program only checks the name on one line at a time: An example s... (by Lowest0ne)
Pointers problem
This is what I made but I cant make it do what I want "Use pointer dereferencing on pointers to y and z to change the value of variables y = 10, z = x." H...
[4 replies] Last: it actually works in c++: #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> int... (by dean)
Problem with script stopping the execution
For some reason after I do the command of if (Aisle) and typing 'Aisle 1' it just finishes the execution and passes over everything else in the code. AddToCart ...
[3 replies] Last: Lol fail, I knew about that common problem. Brain fart ;) thanks anywa... (by Master Blue Ninja)
by Thumb
Is C++ right for me?
I've started working on C++, and I think I'm starting to catch on, but a friend told me I would be better off learning Java. I want an unbiased opinion. For the...
[5 replies] Last: Well, either should work fine really. I suppose learning C++ now make... (by Veltas)
Simple CG geometry shader question
Hi all. I was just wondering how I can access the vertexID in the geometry shader. I have tried to use the AttribArray<int> vertexID : VERTEXID in my mai...
[no replies]
Child creates another child that creates another child... and so on[How to?]
Hi guys, I'm writing a program where I have to give in the command line an integer that define the number of consecutive children. For exemple, if the number...
[5 replies] Last: '--' is predecrement. It subtracts one from num before comparing it t... (by BlackSheep)
printing an array
i want to give the array all elements of 0 then print it could you help me find what am doing wrong #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <...
[3 replies] Last: thank you so much that makes much more sense one array set them to 0 a... (by Brooklyn)
by Ch1156
Slot machine help
Im making a slot machine and im trying to make it so it picks random symbols but it just keeps picking the @ symbol all the time, why is that? #include <i...
[2 replies] Last: Additionally, only use srand (time(NULL)); once per execution of the... (by geekman7473)
August 2012 Pages: 1... 1920212223... 45
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