by Mario Robles
HELP with space bug
[11 replies] Last: No worries I fix it allready vlad thanks a lot your last comment was t... (by Mario Robles)
by oscarocampo
Multidimensional array
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your time. (by oscarocampo)
by rk0093
[3 replies] Last: so are you asking how do you access the data members (all of the thing... (by Aramil of Elixia)
by ar123
C++ Without Fear Exercise 14.3.1
[11 replies] Last: A friend function has access to any member of a befriended class. (by vlad from moscow)
by nmorr
syntax error
[5 replies] Last: Thank you for all your help! It works now. :) (by nmorr)
by eagleman
How shall I learn C++?
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for the responses guys, I actually ordered programming princip... (by eagleman)
by Dan Feerst
Strange Image errors with OpenCV
[2 replies] Last: Yep, that was the problem. (by Dan Feerst)
by dtaqee88
? on ".c_str()"
[4 replies] Last: Oh ok. I thought it had something to do with the file name because the... (by dtaqee88)
by CeTis
Find a pointer in a vector?
[3 replies] Last: @bradw - That seems very logical, actually I'm not sure why I didn't ... (by CeTis)
by Amil Patel
[2 replies] Last: How are you controlling the colour? (by Veltas)
by Dan Beckwith
What is wrong with this program?
[9 replies] Last: You should do your own homework. So you don't fail the class. (by Master Blue Ninja)
by beginner2011
creating a GUI
[3 replies] Last: Most GUI toolkits are built off of the OS's API so you're creating a W... (by Volatile Pulse)
by Amil Patel
Using Method to create score
[3 replies] Last: The design seems to be a bit off to me here. I don't think 'score' re... (by MrHutch)
by Amil Patel
Populate a array
[6 replies] Last: You'd probably want to create a new one to be populated. Though, Vlad... (by MrHutch)
by gerfy1
Ideas for simple text game
[4 replies] Last: Solitaire (the peg version, not the card version) is pretty easy to im... (by MrHutch)
why is my code doesn't work? |
[4 replies] Last: Peter87: Thanks (by AkramIzzeldin)
Pascal's Triangle ( how to to make spaces b/w nums). |
[4 replies] Last: how to use the while loop,for loop,do while loop....plz explain it....... (by dog)
by toomanystars
Class Ouput with I/O buffer
[4 replies] Last: I did change it to ios:: out and ios::in but to no avail. I might have... (by toomanystars)
by sepetoner
Making a blackjack game. How to have two different random variables?(one for dealer one for user)
[4 replies] Last: NULL is defined as 0. (by BlackSheep)
by sepetoner
My friend function is not letting me use a function in a class from another class. What am I doing wrong?
[2 replies] Last: You need to call disphanddealer() with a dealer object. You're just tr... (by Zhuge)