Beginners - August 2012 (Page 11)

Ignoring character data types.
Hello everyone. I was, for a while, solving this problem our teacher had given us. But unfortunately, I keep failing. Our teacher had said that our program is n...
[6 replies] Last: Indeed, because you need to have the big value first before you can ... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
trouble in "char"
I'm building a program to calculate the gross wage of employees. it has following fields. emp no, emp name, hours worked, hourly rate and finally calculating gr...
[2 replies] Last: Problem Solved. Thanks (by prabhanuka)
by beakie
Equals operator
I have a class. The class contains only one type, an integer. It is possible to set the integer by overloading the equals operator. Therefore, allowing me...
[3 replies] Last: Nice one :) (by beakie)
Heya, I've just learning about functions and have tried writing my own function up below, to determine the maximum value of 3 values inputted into the system...
[2 replies] Last: Hi there, You're doing it quite right, but you need to pass some numb... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
inputing elements into an array
hey guys, I'm playing around with a simple array with a for loop and I'm trying to make it possible for the user to fill the array up with what ever information...
[3 replies] Last: @FvPJer I noticed that your array was declared as an integer arr... (by Aceix)
hmm?? Easiear?
Hello guys what is easier C++ or JAVA?
[4 replies] Last: The only way to say one would be easier than another is if you have pr... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
Overflowing Array
When I have input over 15 characters the result is: it display every cout and writes the "Either" cout. How can I fix it? #include <iostream> #include <...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you so much for this. There is still an error, but my eyes are c... (by IMayNeed)
For loop problem
Hey everyone, I'm working on an exercise that is intended to display items in a vector in quartiles based on the values of the items. The first quartile sh...
[3 replies] Last: This fixed everything! Thanks again atropos! :D cout << "First Qu... (by RastaWolf)
File Stream Complete Path, What does this mean?
By default, the file referred to is in the current directory—the directory from which you run the program. (Or, to use Windows or Macintosh lingo, this is th...
[1 reply] : A complete path would be: C:\Some\Folder\On\The\C\Drive\File.exe Be f... (by Volatile Pulse)
about for loops
Hey everyone, I have a quick question about using for loops. if you initialize your control variable inside the loop body, and test it against a conditio...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the response, I have learned that format before and now I s... (by RastaWolf)
Pass by reference equivalent for C language
What is the pass by reference equivalent for C? I'm very new to C and in C++ I can change the value in main by a changing a value in a function it calls to, but...
[1 reply] : You have to use a pointer. (by Athar)
by samrux
Class prototyping?
Can i do that? Like, at the start I make a class called Calculate with function prototypes like multiply, add, etc. Then at the end of the program I put the cla...
[6 replies] Last: One more last thing: What does happen if I put const before declaring... (by Dash)
by gerfy1
Text game health not working
The player and animals health is not working. Any help is appreciated! Here is my code. #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> int...
[6 replies] Last: There isn't really much difference in this case. (by Dash)
Book Suggestion to Learn Visual C++
Hi I'm beginner and I want to self study Visual C++ (MFC) using Visual Studio 2010. can you suggest me any Book that can have all the programming codes and ...
[8 replies] Last: I don't mean old, I mean outdated. (by hanst99)
What am I doing wrong? Infinite loop etc.
I am taking a class in C++ and my task is to create a program like this: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { ...
[3 replies] Last: Do I need to put something in between the ()? No, the function retur... (by Athar)
can not compile
FML!!! i dont know if i have used my globals correctly. getting build error 1. /******************** HEADER.h ****************************************...
[4 replies] Last: figured it out const unsigned int ROWS_2D = 20; i knew it was callin... (by jeff99577)
[build error] [project1] error 1
i cannot compile this code. any help would be much appreciated. i think the problem is in the add book function. more specifically inFile also i cant ...
[19 replies] Last: figured it out const unsigned int ROWS_2D = 20; i knew it was ca... (by jeff99577)
multifile const global varuble
/****************************** int main **************************************/ const int ROWS=20; #include "header.h" int main(); { ...
[6 replies] Last: figured it out const unsigned int ROWS_2D = 20; i knew it was ca... (by jeff99577)
by Relit
need some help
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; struct town { int wood; int stone; int food; int water; int silver;...
[5 replies] Last: Hi there, Try replacing stats by stats everywhere, except for the d... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
Need some advice
I am having some trouble figuring out how to make this pseudo-code more efficient for the subject could someone please help in figuring this out. start re...
[1 reply] : Hi there, This part of your pseudocode: [quote=Dark3nd]read Customer... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
August 2012 Pages: 1... 910111213... 45
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