Beginners - August 2011 (Page 6)

unresolved external symbol
Hello Can someone suggest what the problem is please? Many thanks in advance. Graham *******************************************************888 1>-...
[2 replies] Last: ha ha how silly of me. Many thanks, problem solved :)) (by GraemeR)
Line intersection
if four points are given in a plane (for two lines) what is the best method to find out if lines are intersecting or not? Any tips on building the algorithm wo...
[4 replies] Last: webJose's advise will work only if both lines extend to infinity. If ... (by Disch)
error C2065: 'handle':undeclared identifier
Hi guys, I keep getting error C2065: 'handle':undeclared identifier when trying to test this code. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? #include <windo...
[4 replies] Last: If you are compiling for 32-bit Windows, ... ShellExecute((HWND)this... (by andywestken)
Array Size Problems
These are just some of the Arrays sizes i've used, many of them are inside a loop. int ss ={0}; char pres ; int ith ={0},ich ={0},pres2 ={0}; i...
[3 replies] Last: [quote=andywestken]Did you mean 1024 kbytes? (sic) It was meant to be... (by closed account zb0S216C)
How to make your own library?
I know this isn't really something to ask in the BEGGINERS C++ section, but I was looking for a way to make my programming faster, and code easier to remember,...
[1 reply] : To create a static library (which is probably what you want) for the u... (by Athar)
Factorial via recursion
Hello everyone, I have a few questions about my code. The exercise question : Define a recursive function that takes an integer argument and returns the fa...
[6 replies] Last: Haha yea, forgot about those numbers being less than 2. Good catch. (by xibz)
Looking at medium scale projects and understanding their source code tips
Hi, I'm just diving into looking at source codes for a medium sized projects. The source is perplexing. I'm going to just start reading it now... but I'm lookin...
[3 replies] Last: I was actually thinking about making a program like that... not as sop... (by brokenbot)
Writing pretty-printers for gdb to debug a c++ program
Hi guys, since version 7.0 of the gnu debugger it is possible to write pretty-printers. They are useful to avoid a string to look like this: $1 = {static...
[no replies]
by cdd
cin help.
Hi, I amin the process of writing a program that takes and input string and stores each character into a vector element. My problem is though how can i tell...
[2 replies] Last: that worked, thanks for the help! (by cdd)
by sf123
How to close a program?
Hi! How can I close a program such that when I press 1 it would close? I will use switch(x) right? What will I put under it? Thanks!
[4 replies] Last: Ok thanks! (by sf123)
Which book should I read for a total beginner? (1,2)
I'm gonna start my video game development degree in 2 months, and I got hold a few C++ books to read to prepare myself for the degree. Which book you guys think...
[36 replies] Last: Ok thx guys I'll read up K&R first, then I'll consider the few C++ boo... (by areszues92)
how to send pointer to a function?
in a link list program i wanna send the new node pointer to a insert func so it can insert it into the list of nodes. i have some other functions too, like dele...
[6 replies] Last: tnx a lot Wazzak. :) (by babakslt)
How to set a password? (1,2)
Would this work, or would this make you have to set the password every time? I want to be able to save the password when the program is not in use. How would I ...
[33 replies] Last: Hey, that QT trolltech stuff is pretty easy! (by ziodice)
problem using unicode in c++
how can i use unicode characters in my c++ program. please guide me
[1 reply] : This link may be of use to you: (by closed account zb0S216C)
Hello World wont compile
ok so i studied up on how to make a C++ program and to make a C++ seems very easy. i read on how to make one in the C++ Documentation on this website. I dow...
[5 replies] Last: Anybody else notice he has a semi-colon jsut after the main()? Get rid... (by GisleAune)
A question on passing by reference and member variables
I've a question on passing by reference into the constructor. I have the following constructor, say: aClass example(complexClass &c1, complexClass &c...
[2 replies] Last: Well to start you gave your constructor a return value and a name... (by ascii)
Question about my beginner code.
Alright guys I just have a question basically about my coding "form" and how to fix what I assume is a rather easy problem. If you have any tips on how to bett...
[7 replies] Last: You haven't put 'quit' in quotation marks, so it's trying to compare t... (by JellyFox)
DLL? I know what it means, don't know what the point is
Ok so I know DLL is a dynamic link library. But what does THAT mean and why would I need/use it? What could I do with it? And is it written in the same C++ code...
[5 replies] Last: Nice, i learnt something. (by brokenbot)
Best print function?
Hello, I am just wondering about a littl thing. I have read ino the starting of a couple of book sna dnoticed a little differnce between a couple of them. In...
[1 reply] : Hope this helps. (by TheMassiveChipmunk)
Making a calculator.
Hi, I've been making a calculator that is able to process decimals. I'm a noob, but would like some help on this matter: These are the errors: 1>3.cpp(30)...
[6 replies] Last: Hi Have you considered a test if none of the 4 operators is entered t... (by GraemeR)
August 2011 Pages: 1... 45678... 39
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