Beginners - August 2011 (Page 5)

What libraries do I use for socket connections and anything internet related?
Hey, I want to make some client side software. I need sockets and anything else that would go with the internet. Which libraries should I use?
[no replies]
Can't getline from ifstream?
Me and my friend decided to make a game, I'm the programmer and he's the artist... You can't say I am new to C++ because I program like for 4 years now, But I ...
[7 replies] Last: I don't have any experience with SDL.. but I gather those linker error... (by closed account DSLq5Di1)
by Nuc
String not showing up
#include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <Windows.h> #include <string> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> using namespace...
[10 replies] Last: Yeah, I thought my compiler was throwing an error but it was just a re... (by Computergeek01)
Hi guys I want ur help in this plz, I want when the first if gives true, do the statements and break(do not go the else if). and if the 1st if gives false go a...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks shacktar, but there is for loop and what i need when the 1st if... (by john1984)
by sf123
"There was a problem sending the command to the program?"
Hi! I keep on getting this error whenever I open the source code. Can you site some reasons why this error exists? Thanks!
[5 replies] Last: Time to upgrade: It's free ... (by Computergeek01)
Create Half-Triangle Using Nested Loops
This is what i've made so far #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { int b=1; for (int i=1; i<=5; i++) { ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, finally i've made the program to display the correct output, t... (by sakon93)
Cant print char value
Sorry, noob question, have searched the forum and not found what I think I need... Reading a text file and simply want to print the char value read from t...
[3 replies] Last: Everyone starts there ;) (by eidge)
I tried my first exercise!
Hi guys, first post here - excellent site so I thought I would ask for your help! I've been following Bucky Roberts C++ programming tutorials on youtube, I seem...
[2 replies] Last: Instead of repeating if , use else if . if must appear before an ... (by closed account zb0S216C)
how to define and recognize NULL pointer?
in this link list i'm trying to make np pointer of the last node null so in insert function it can be recognized to place the correct algorithm. but it jumps fr...
[1 reply] : [quote=babakslt]by "p->np = 0" i try to define a NULL pointer. am i wr... (by closed account zb0S216C)
by sf123
Going back to the menu without using goto
Hi! Can someone teach me how to get back to the main menu of the program without using goto. such as this: USER_MENU: printf("\n Encode File"); printf("\...
[5 replies] Last: ok thanks for the replies! Thanks to you both! (by sf123)
by Sm0e
Error LNK2019
I recently began creating a tic tac toe program so I could start learning the basics of AI. I copied over some SDL code from a previous program I had made, spec...
[6 replies] Last: So, what was the actual fix? (by andywestken)
GUI applications
Hi guys, I have done some basics with C++ language and I want my litle programs(rock paper scissors for example) to have some should I start with w...
[5 replies] Last: Well, WIN32 is way to go if you want to focus on Windows. Otherwise ch... (by andywestken)
C++ program to find greatest of two numbers using Switch case conditional statement.
C++ program to find greatest of two numbers using Switch case conditional statement. I am finding error's & output is in correct. can any one help me. #incl...
[3 replies] Last: C++ program to find greatest of two numbers using Switch case conditi... (by andywestken)
overloading in classes
Is it possible to overload a function in a class ? if then how to do it? #include "Line.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <iostream> usi...
[1 reply] : There's a ; on line 33, which makes it a declaration instead of defini... (by hamsterman)
help with a game
hello, a few days back i posted asking about the game i was programming, and now ive moved much farther along, and im having strange run-time errors, and proble...
[2 replies] Last: thanks, the first part i already knew and was just throwing stuff at t... (by mxjabber)
The rush
Am I the only one that feels a rush every time I figure something out that I was stuck on when programming? I'm just wondering if I'm alone. I really enjoy solv...
[1 reply] : All vertebrates experience a reward when they (think they) accomplish ... (by helios)
Program that has unlimited strings?
Is there a way to have unlimited strings? I'm trying to make a program that let's you quickly keep track of and edit a recipe. I want to be able to type in as m...
[4 replies] Last: Perhaps this will help. Press ENTER twice to finish http://www.cplus... (by Duthomhas)
by alhypo
Making overloaded binary operators commutative
I'm building a class to handle matrix operations that can be used to do linear algebra. I'm just wondering if the following is the best way to overload the scal...
[6 replies] Last: Multiplication is always left-associative. a*b*c == (a*b)*c. (by helios)
where is this syntax used
I am seeing in a program -> I think it is in a bit to do with writing to a stream. what does it do.
[2 replies] Last: On a tangentially related note, I think the "goes to" operator is fun.... (by Duthomhas)
Carriage returns in arrays
I am using the following code char str ; char fstr ; int a0 = 247; strcpy(str,""); strcat(str,"sd1, "); dtostrf(a0,0,0,fstr); strcat(str,fstr); to p...
[2 replies] Last: ...except that std :: stringstream is C++, and the OP appears to be ... (by Duthomhas)
August 2011 Pages: 1... 34567... 39
  Archived months: [jul2011] [sep2011]

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