Beginners - August 2011 (Page 37)

size of a vector
hello guys. i've found something that i don't understand #include<iostream.h> #include<conio> #include<vector> #include <vcl.h> #pragma hdrstop //---...
[5 replies] Last: Well I'm glad so many different people found it helpful! haha (by Disch)
fibonacci sequence help!! (1,2)
hi so the fibonacci sequence is 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233... so on however i only want every other number which is 1, 2, 5, 13, 34, ...
[26 replies] Last: sqr1987 - did you get your code sorted? It would be nice to know the o... (by andywestken)
by Sylen
Segmentation Fault calling public member function
Hey everyone. It's my first post here and I would like to apologize in advance for the likelihood of it being of little use to anyone else (I will try and re...
[2 replies] Last: I find that it is more intuitive for me to "draw" things onto the arra... (by Sylen)
loop question for a time frame?
Is there a way to make a loop execute for (let's say 5 seconds) and then break loop after the alotted time period is over?
[3 replies] Last: And is there any way to repeat an instruction on periods (for instance... (by ianobraczka)
Static int vs regular int
Hi, I've been looking on Google and get really confused on how people describe the difference of static int and regular int, does anyone mind dumbing it down ...
[7 replies] Last: umm ok tnx i have a little problem with details :D (by ahura24)
command line
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void lettercount(); int main(int letter,char *letter ,){ while (letter ) { ...
[3 replies] Last: and another thing : you cant send all of "this is just an example of m... (by ahura24)
Program storing garbage...
So I'm writing a program (in Ubuntu, if that means anything) to test out file i/o. However, for some reason, my program stores garbage data that I don't know ab...
[7 replies] Last: I got it to work using atoi and atof. Thanks for the suggestion Andy. ... (by katakotter)
compiler error for function that works four other times
compile error is coming on lines 7 and 32 twice, both being the same complaint. line 7; candidates are: void minus(float, float, float) line 32; reference to ...
[5 replies] Last: thanks guys, taken that to heart. its now all working xD much apprec... (by teddyeddy)
by Alfie
Need Help With Namespace!
Hello Im having a problem undrestanding a code providied by my school as a help for exam. Here is the Code: #include <algorithm> #include <functional...
[4 replies] Last: thx m8 :) (by Alfie)
Concat, check sum of length, append, and print
**edit** I have been given, and need assistance with a problem that asks for a querying loop to continue until the user says "No". The program should concatena...
[7 replies] Last: I don't think that is needed, though a random input allowing you to co... (by hamsterman)
Averaging Grades
Hey everyone. I'm just starting to get into C++ (I've taken a week long course so far) and am finding I have a passion for it. I was recently doing an exercise ...
[5 replies] Last: Wow, thank you so much for the fast and incredible answers. It's runni... (by csoda301)
explain - switch statments, please
I have read about them, beginning to understand them I think :L However seeing a few different explanations should help. I would like to monitor my progr...
[3 replies] Last: Go and read the link that hamsterman posted, it explains the switch ... (by closed account 1vRz3TCk)
Type Conversion Problem.
Hello To ALL... This Is my textbook Question I am facing problem with... Write a C++ program that reads any given character code(a positive integer) from...
[9 replies] Last: I got it... I am REaly thankfull to all... THanks once again... I f... (by CPPAlien)
Problem with logical operator
void ne(){ cout << "bla bla"; cin >> b1; cin >> b2; if(b1 ! b2){ cout << "bla bla"; } else { cout << "bla bla"; } } Why wont this par...
[7 replies] Last: Resolved. Thanks. (by closed account 2E0XoG1T)
Loop does not allow input
The following code is within one of my programs. If any number is entered, the code correctly runs. However, if anything other than a number is assigned to *Ex...
[5 replies] Last: if you use cin.ignore than if you input less than 20 chars it will mak... (by eidge)
another problem xD
Not a clue, spent plenty of time staring blankly at the screen :L compiler errors at 13x2, 15x2, 17x2 saying "expected primary expression before" for both of ...
[2 replies] Last: Just been over that again, I really did write a lot of crap :L (by teddyeddy)
by Wandza
please explain the code in english
I am writing a program about a game and, someone wrote tis in my source code and i cant understand what it means if(Label2->Left - Shape1->Left - Shape1->Wid...
[3 replies] Last: i think its enough to work with, thank you (by Wandza)
by Baso
Games programming
Hi everybody I really want to be a games programmer, I started learn C++ few months ago because I found that it was the common language for Games programm...
[18 replies] Last: I have to say computergeek is right about open GL, it feels very disco... (by Blessman11)
trying out an inline function, not going to well...xD
I get a compile error saying; fahrenheit is not declared in the scope. I don't see how that works, anyone care to explain ^^ thanks #include <iostream> using...
[3 replies] Last: Hey, thanks Xander. I understood the last part about the floats and d... (by teddyeddy)
A game class design question
Hello everybody. This is a hypothetical question. Let's say I have two classes, a Car and the player's HeadsUpDisplay . The HeadsUpDisplay display cert...
[6 replies] Last: [quote=Catfish]But can nested classes contain virtual members to be ... (by m4ster r0shi)
August 2011 Pages: 1... 3536373839
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