by Hirokachi
converting a string to an integer (problem)
[7 replies] Last: Thanks again for the help. I had no idea that I was abusing it. (by Hirokachi)
by efigen
bank account program
[1 reply] : What you need to do to keep the menu options for a switch statement on... (by benedictusk)
by djencore
Do-While Loop Implementation
[no replies]
by blooddeal
How do you "equip" things? :D
[8 replies] Last: // dhjyu56.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.... (by blooddeal)
by john891
Reading 2 bytes from a file
[7 replies] Last: Well, you need to google around bit-shifting and bit-masking in C and/... (by Duthomhas)
by joatmon
Problem setting a pointer in a constructor
[1 reply] : You are pointing to a local variable. When the constructor ends, the v... (by ne555)
by Blah937
How to use ifstream's read function?
[no replies]
by zander
i want to learn c++
[7 replies] Last: I recommend the websites within the below reference list. I've exclude... (by closed account zb0S216C)
by ziodice
How to name a program?
[5 replies] Last: At the very top of my window, it says "How to name a program?" on the ... (by Intrexa)
Apostrophe |
[1 reply] : What happens when you reach an apostrophe? Andy P.S. What system... (by andywestken)
by wtf
Function for getting operating system.
[3 replies] Last: Anyone know where the probably enums for PRODUCT_ULTIMATE would be de... (by webJose)
by Rockmachine
cin.get(); doesn't work, but system("pause"); does
[7 replies] Last: try this: void Pause( void ) { std::cin.ignore( std::numeric_li... (by closed account zb0S216C)
by jgirl2412
Problem with a program using a sequential access file
[3 replies] Last: You're most welcome -- please mark this as completed. (by kooth)
by Maese909
Check for duplicates in cstring
[3 replies] Last: Ok got it to work. Here is the updated function. I would post the enti... (by Maese909)
by behrad kiani
space instead of enter
[2 replies] Last: geekocoder if it is possible show me with a sample working code.i don'... (by behrad kiani)
by Ronnie124
[1 reply] : Hi! Your compiler *should* have come set-up to just be able to includ... (by Albatross)
by wtf
i'm just trying to write a simple mystring class but I keep running into one error after another.
[10 replies] Last: hmmm not sure, think I planned on using caddress when calling c.str(),... (by wtf)
by Mad Hatter
how to display user entered data in a list
[1 reply] : Hi,I'm a new comer to c++.I'm creating a simple books catalog softwar... (by webJose)
by Thatonedude
Changing return types
[3 replies] Last: You can use a template, with if-else conditions calling the specific t... (by Nisheeth)
by Mr Zen
How efficient is this code?
[6 replies] Last: [quote=Mr Zen]Will it affect the overall program in any way? (sic) No... (by closed account zb0S216C)