by solarboy
Need help in Text array file
[1 reply] : Put your code in [cod e] tags. Express your problems. Do you only n... (by hamsterman)
How do we use ios::ate and why do we use it? |
[1 reply] : (by webJose)
by sf123
storing variables.
[4 replies] Last: ok thanks! (by sf123)
by Frozendog11
Need Help With Function
[2 replies] Last: #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #define PI 3.14159265 void mai... (by Frozendog11)
by joatmon
Accessing member functions
[4 replies] Last: First, you need to pass vector<int> customer into your function: ... (by shacktar)
by Boreeas
cout does not execute (1,2)
[30 replies] Last: Which other headers a given header includes is not defined by the stan... (by helios)
by cromulentone
Program Closing Out When Specific Input is Used
[3 replies] Last: OK - got it figured out. Looks like the problem was due to the followi... (by cromulentone)
by JoeyS
What's wrong with my integer declaration?
[6 replies] Last: Interesting. I just ran a couple variations of the code on Ubuntu's g+... (by benedictusk)
by bool maybe
Would you say this is program generates a random set of numbers?
[3 replies] Last: it doesn't allow me to repeat more than one time. What are the symp... (by andywestken)
by Catt
Surmounting the "Procedural" Class
[15 replies] Last: Sorry I didn't get in on this sooner... Because no one has mentioned t... (by Duthomhas)
by phy2j2s
C++ without Fear (2nd Ed) Exercise 15.2.2. Help Please.
[9 replies] Last: The colon signifies an initialization list for the constructor, see:- ... (by closed account DSLq5Di1)
debugger |
[1 reply] : When you post, don't assume anything either, like we can read minds an... (by webJose)
by Anurag7069
Bool Datatype
[2 replies] Last: Note that bool isTrue = 1; bool isFalse = 0; generate warnings wit... (by andywestken)
by sgr1987
[2 replies] Last: thanks! (by sgr1987)
by cppbgnr
CodeBlock MinGW Compiler Suite
[no replies]
by Pingl000
[2 replies] Last: include <iostream> using namespace std ; int main() { float score... (by happykiller)
by rori
operator overloading
[7 replies] Last: @andywestken: Yes:) (by ModShop)
Difference between Console and Win32? |
[3 replies] Last: Can you do exactly the same things with a windows app as you can with... (by andywestken)
by Nisheeth
Having Problem in using a map
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. There was re definition in my code! I just can't guess why did... (by Nisheeth)
by MrShenYaYa
help!c + + development environment
[3 replies] Last: Code::Blocks and CodeLite are both popular IDEs, and both support Wind... (by andywestken)