by Ptbr
Unsual end with vectors
[1 reply] : You are iterating out of bounds on your string/vector. Use i < epc.le... (by Zhuge)
by zedius
fstream: Why must my files contain the path to load properly?
[3 replies] Last: So the current working directory is not guaranteed to be the director... (by andywestken)
by GisleAune, make struct from bytes.
[8 replies] Last: Yeah, found out that. The pointer being 32-bit made it so I could read... (by GisleAune)
by BLooDiESiN
Using if and else help?
[10 replies] Last: I recommend you start with the tutorial on this site, if you haven't a... (by anonymous23323124)
by codrgi
where to download this library?
[no replies]
by Sputnik
String printing garbage
[8 replies] Last: Chances are the memory you're allocating is "clean" meaning it's 0000... (by Catfish)
by VanPepto
Code help
[no replies]
by billyb29
Postfix and Prefix
[4 replies] Last: Thats because ++ or -- used as a prefix are computed instantly and ++ ... (by AleaIactaEst)
by nano511
cant use j as an iterator?
[1 reply] : Trivia, I don't think you need std:: before size_t . It should be a... (by Catfish)
by Sputnik
Adding a node at the TAIL in a linked list
[15 replies] Last: Andy, you are 100% correct. I was reading about it: This is a must rea... (by Sputnik)
by vandhanarm
Hi plz explain m a Beginner in c++
[10 replies] Last: wow Mr.rambo1177 Thank you so much a... (by vandhanarm)
by wynjoe
Case code showing more than once
[1 reply] : Firstly, this is horrible code (and is not C++ - if your compiler is h... (by Moschops)
by Captain1832
A simple C program writen in Visual c++ 2010 that dosen`t work!
[1 reply] : In C++, main() is just plain wrong. main returns an int; int main(... (by Moschops)
by joatmon
Using a Iterator
[6 replies] Last: What is the type of "my_wait"? (by firedraco)
by tejas1995
cin & cout in Visual C++ 2010
[11 replies] Last: Oh shit I suck ..... I thought I had (by tejas1995)
by Demonten
Conversion program
[2 replies] Last: Your problem is this line: if (var1 == "AU"); The semi-colon ... (by shacktar)
by smelas
accessing enum members
[4 replies] Last: it works now. thanks. (by smelas)
by Shay9999
truly random number
[8 replies] Last: [quote=Zhuge] Erm, you'd need something to generate a random memory ad... (by ModShop)
by Barbon
Best language before C++
[11 replies] Last: If your new to programing in general i would recomend html,javascript,... (by exton132)
by anotherghost
Sending cout to a log file.
[3 replies] Last: @andywestken: That worked perfectly. I didn't think to pass the ostre... (by anotherghost)