by xander333
The need to press enter...
[15 replies] Last: Haha, that's what I get for not refreshing first! :-P Besides, no harm... (by x loto)
by peripheral
how to convert str to arr[]?
[18 replies] Last: thank you Galik ,your code is very usefull to more simple than m... (by peripheral)
by SgtPooki
Unresolved token and external symbol with ctor and dtor
[13 replies] Last: I checked my code.. the name mismatching was just a mistake in post... (by SgtPooki)
by Wander
More Dang Deque Problems
[4 replies] Last: okay. i did. then i ran it again without debugger and it crashed again... (by Wander)
by Async
what's the difference
[3 replies] Last: thank u ^_^ (by Async)
by AdventWolf
Weird, weird glitch in compiler
[4 replies] Last: Yeah that is strange, it really messed me up because it only crashed f... (by AdventWolf)
by DY357LX
How to read a certain line of a txt file?
[5 replies] Last: for (int lineno = 0; getline (myfile,line) && lineno < 7; linen... (by outcome)
function pointers |
[6 replies] Last: Isn't that the same as float functionA (float a, float b, float... (by guestgulkan)
Reading a Tab-Delimited Spreadsheet File |
[8 replies] Last: stringstream could also be useful here: #include <iostream> #incl... (by m4ster r0shi)
Why is ifstream.getline() cutting short? |
[3 replies] Last: Also check this out: #include <iostream> #include <string> using... (by m4ster r0shi)
by willnbell
cant get overloading of functions to work
[no replies]
by Freakzoyd
Upper Case to Lower Case
[5 replies] Last: Your loop goes too far and you didn't assign the modified letter back ... (by Galik)
by AdventWolf
Can you create a random decimal number between two other numbers?
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for the help guys, I was able to do just what I needed. I'll ce... (by AdventWolf)
string problem |
[8 replies] Last: follow you. thx all. (by horace5563333)
by yawa66
simple project..
[11 replies] Last: Last time I checked these forums were to pose questions for awnsers th... (by kaduuk)
by lssam
sorting problem with swap
[18 replies] Last: instead it should be j<x because j < x+1 will mean j < 6 and theref... (by lssam)
by wboustany
C++ & DDE
[8 replies] Last: thx for your all your answer kbw. (by wboustany)
****.exe has encountered a problem... |
[2 replies] Last: thanks! (by silvertooth07)
by wasabi
custom constant definition?
[1 reply] : Not now but on the next standards: (by Bazzy)
by Midget
Connect four type Grid
[1 reply] : You can, but you need to store it in a char eg: char ( 123 ) // ... (by Bazzy)