Beginners - August 2010 (Page 22)

Absolute C++ beginner - Problems with cin/cout
Hi programmers I've been a Java man until now, which will likely explain the problems I've been having. I've written the following code, which is basically jus...
[2 replies] Last: Very detailed explanation, thank you. Turned out it was to do with my ... (by Swiftslide)
getch() not working...
#include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; char MMAP ; int GridX = 0; int GridY = 0; char THKey = {0, '#', '.'...
[2 replies] Last: Huh never though of that one... I do stuff like that all the time. Dam... (by b1gb0y2013)
shuffling and dealing cards
How do I access the data in the structure before so that I can get access to the bit values.This is just an extract of the whole program. struct card { ...
[no replies]
child process execution start point
Hi I'm having some doubts with forking child processes. Where does the child process start to execute? is it right after the fork() sentence ? thanks
[3 replies] Last: The latter. (by m4ster r0shi)
Compiling Issues with Accelerated C++
Hey guys, this is my first post of this forum and hopefully not my last, but I have just one question: Which compiler did you use for the book Accelerated C...
[11 replies] Last: wow.. thanks for the update.. anytime I've used flush though, ev... (by SgtPooki)
Arrays-- Bubble Sort & Binary Search
Hello, I have been working on this code for days now. I am supposed to collect data from the user about different foods and their calories, up to 100 entries....
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your help with this. I now have the code mostly working. ... (by slg5094)
by wasabi
Understanding class function declaration syntax
I'm a bit confused in regards to this syntax: QSFMLCanvas::QSFMLCanvas(QWidget* Parent, const QPoint& Position, const QSize& Size, unsigned int FrameTime) :...
[1 reply] : This is called initializer list. QWidget is probably the parent class... (by R0mai)
by Adalas
Function Header/ Source Files
Hi, I am just now becoming exposed to C++ (ForDummies book)and programming in general and I'm confused on how to properly use headers and multiple source files...
[7 replies] Last: As for passing the variable as an argument.. int addition (int ... (by SgtPooki)
Create Class in C + +
Hello, I'm from Brazil. I have to create a class in C + +. I already have the code ready in Delphi, how can I convert the code into C + +? --------Code in ...
[2 replies] Last: High! No, the code does not convert within Delphi IDE nor any other... (by EverBeginner)
by Xoric
const struct methods
Hi, I have a problem trying to call a method from a struct that was declared as const. This is my struct: struct Bounds { int min; int max; bool c...
[2 replies] Last: That's exactly what I was looking for. I never used a constant functio... (by Xoric)
C++ and PHP
Hello, I am new to C++. Played with it for a week or so. I only know the basics (variables, arrays, functions, multi-threading). I consider I have solid knowled...
[3 replies] Last: I am new to C++ programming as well, but just checking one thing. In y... (by JimNewbie)
How to show a number that is updated consistantly?
Hello, im using c++ and winapi and i can't figure out how to show a consistantly updated number in a dialog-based application. Think im trying to retrieve t...
[2 replies] Last: I know im sorry, i did it to get the most visibility as possible. Sin... (by temporaryavailable)
Tic Tac Toe program on C++
I've been learning C++ as a hobby for the previous month and recently i started on a project to make this Tic Tac Toe game. I've written the source code below. ...
[4 replies] Last: I don't see whats wrong with paper. (by clover leaf)
by kikia
g++ Compiling/linking errors for the simple code.
I have three files. #include "Vector.h" int main() { Vector<double> d(4, 0.2); return 0; } Vector.h #ifndef _VECTOR_H_ #define _VECTOR_H...
[1 reply] : Template functions have to be defined in the same same file as they ar... (by helios)
Can't figure out a vector<struct> error
I'm learning genetic algorithms and have started writing a program to test some stuff out. Right now all the program does is seed a struct and push it into a ve...
[4 replies] Last: Two questions r0shi. I understand what resize is doing, but why do it... (by Shalmander)
by x loto
Way to prevent calling default constructor of Base class?
Hi! I have a Base class with a default constructor (parameterized with default value) and a Derived class with the same. I'm wondering if there's a way to ca...
[2 replies] Last: Oh! I had completely forgotten the ctor syntax with the colon--I knew ... (by x loto)
euler 12 understanding problem
Hi this is my solution for the euler 12 problem on What is the value of the first triangle number to have over five hundred divisors? thi...
[1 reply] : First of all, good that you're doing Project Euler. Do enough of them,... (by declan)
Run and close another program
Hello everyone I wish to write a program wich run and close two difrent program. And when it run one of these two program second one truning of. Actually this ...
[5 replies] Last: Problem staying Now I will replay what I wish to do in my program I ... (by Anon777)
file and linked list
Hi . how can i store linked list in file and retrieve from file
[1 reply] : (by moorecm)
by Ballaw
Binary Search glitches
Below is my first attempt at a binary search. It works for some numbers but for other it hops off into an infinite loop. All my attempts at debugging haven't he...
[1 reply] : The infinite loop isn't apparent to me, but consider one case in your ... (by rollie)
August 2010 Pages: 1... 2021222324... 28
  Archived months: [jul2010] [sep2010]

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