Beginners - August 2010 (Page 2)

KB release
Hey I am currently making a main menu for a console app. It tests whether the user has hit the keys: 1,2 or 3 and then performs the relevant task. Only probl...
[5 replies] Last: BUMP (by Chazzmundo)
pointers object variable's getting scrambled?
Alright so what I have is a pointer pointing towards an object. This sets up perfectly. But for some reason when the pointer is used in a function or goes into ...
[4 replies] Last: Ahhhhhh...that makes sense. I forgot to look for going out of scope in... (by Alpha Kand)
convert int to string
i need to know if there's a way to convert int to string
[2 replies] Last: er... that wouldn't work if out is an int. But okay (by Disch)
by gpfs7
opening a file
when i type in the file name i get the error, but i have created this txt file that i am typing in, can you guys tell me what is wrong? void Initialize(fstre...
[2 replies] Last: [quote=L B]Just use std::string ;) This. char arrays are ill advi... (by Disch)
Can't delete array
int myarray = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0}; delete myarray; Returns: expected unqualified-id before 'delete' Does anyone know why? ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys. (by JackMoore)
Generate random numbers
hello.y am trying to make a program that can generate random numbers every time y start it,using the function rand(),and y read something about it but,but y don...
[4 replies] Last: If you supply the same seed (like zero), you get the same series of ra... (by Galik)
by Yitzu
"Hello World"
Hi, my name its Yitzu, or Patoto whether u like to call me, and im a real NOOB at C++. I've been looking through the tutorials and stuff, and i found them prett...
[7 replies] Last: I think ill choose Visual Studio C++, seems very nice to me, thx guys (by Yitzu)
by dlugo
ForumProgrammingC and C++Beginner question: How do I test for overflow?
I need to test for overflow and I think I have the code right. What I want to do is convert 2 base 10 numbers to 16 and check for overflow. To do this, I need t...
[1 reply] : Numbers are numbers. What base they're in is a moot point -- they're ... (by Disch)
FLTK problems....
#include <FL/Fl.h> #include <FL/Fl_Box.h> #include <FL/Fl_window.h> int main() { FL_Window window(200,200,"Window Title"); FL_Box box(0,0,200,200, ...
[1 reply] : anyways i fixed it it was supposed to be Fl_ not FL_ (by L E G I O N)
Guessing game. Prgram restart troubles.
Hello im new too C++ Im making a number guessing program and it works fine but im trying to figuire out a way to restart it after the player has guess once. ...
[13 replies] Last: do i need to put a pause inside the do? Whatever you want to repe... (by Disch)
Adding numbers and storing them in a variable.
Hey everyone, I'm new to the forums and C++. I'm trying to make a program that will: A) Add an unspecified amount of bills for each month and store them in ...
[14 replies] Last: thank you so much - it works! :) (by MNelsonMCP)
comparing string? or integer?
Hi, I would like to ask, is there any method for us to determine the code for the following output. √729 = ? n Question skipped! 15² = ? 225 Yes...
[1 reply] : I understand the problem is only dealing with conditions. If I not mis... (by kenhapi)
by gpfs7
displaying formation from a file
i am trying to get data from a txt filed named musicfile.txt to display on a screen and get sent to the printerfile created. when i excecute the program no info...
[1 reply] : Nowhere do you define the contents of Musicfile, so (by wasabi)
accept only one character from user input
i'm having a problem on the program we're tasked to do. originally, the "option" is an int but someone suggested to make it a character. i thought the probl...
[1 reply] : Is option defined as a char ? If it is, then cin >> option will ... (by wasabi)
by yts
check character or digit...
1.Write a program that asks the user to enter a character, and then determine whether the character is a digit or an alphabet. Some sample outputs of the progra...
[5 replies] Last: 1. Catch the input in a string (or C-string). 2. Go through the strin... (by wasabi)
Vector algorithm
hey forum, I'm really stuck in this one. For my function I need to find the highest, 2nd highest, 3rd highest and lowest from a vector with 4 ints. Am I miss...
[6 replies] Last: A mathematical description of the solution: If the 4 numbers are A,... (by jsmith)
how to copy argv[1]?
int main(int argc, char *argv ) { char * str1,*str2,*str3; str1=argv ; str2=argv ; ......... strcat(str1,"hello"); c...
[2 replies] Last: Use std::string. #include <iostream> #include <string> int m... (by jsmith)
by alanis
creating an app launcher for exe as child process
Hello folks, need some help, I am fairly new to c++ and want to create an app launcher. this is my situation: I already have an exe app which do not h...
[no replies]
Is this possible?
I want to make a sort of tabel. like: Team 1 1 point Team 23 3 points Where all the points are neatly under each other. setw()...
[5 replies] Last: 10 is the maximum number of characters that will be filled. It must be... (by Bazzy)
by Kyon
#include <cstdio> int _(int __, int ___){if(__ == ___) return __;if (__ < ___) printf("%d",__),_(__+___/___,___);} main(){_(0,3);} I wrote this recursive l...
[2 replies] Last: The conditionals operator require three operands, the last two of the ... (by Bazzy)
August 2010 Pages: 1234... 28
  Archived months: [jul2010] [sep2010]

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