Beginners - August 2010 (Page 19)

random #'s
hey guys im making a program that displays a bunch of icons in the window randomly but what im trying to achieve is to have it show 1 image and have it move a...
[no replies]
by jblc
Why does this crash on return?
I read up these forums but didn't see an answer...and when searching with google I'm over my head a bit with that info. I've no luck in figuring out why th...
[9 replies] Last: Helios, guess what? I commented some parts out, compiled, then unco... (by jblc)
by igorze
fill the frame with the square
this program takes 2 numbers and creates a square let's say n=6 m=2 it creates this n is the size of the square and m is the thickness of the square and not th...
[2 replies] Last: no its our first job we cant use recursion and we cant use any more lo... (by igorze)
My program that uses putback() doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?
I'm trying to write a program that switches ! for $ and whenever it encounters # just ignores it; however, i get a weird output. When I write: Now!is#the!time...
[7 replies] Last: Great! That worked. You guys are the best, I still haven't had a ques... (by CaptainBlood)
Programme builds fine, shuts down when used.
The point of the function is to see if the array (*Pointer points to it) has any 3's in it. If so, they should be deleted, the rest of the array has to be shove...
[14 replies] Last: I'm a newbie myself and am not sure if the following is a good way to ... (by tfcoder)
error: variable ‘std::ifstream fin’ has initializer but incomplete type
#include <iostream> using namespace std; enum BOOL { FALSE , TRUE }; int main(int argc, char**argv) //returns 1 on error { if(argc != 2) { cout << ...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks that worked fine :) (by CaptainBlood)
I can't switch players
I have a tic tac toe game for class and I thought I had it all done but it will not switch from 1 player to the other where am I going wrong. Any help would be ...
[4 replies] Last: Ahhhh Thanks chemical that was a little more explanatory. I am new and... (by iamtito)
copy constructor
Hallo I know that C++ supports two forms of initialization: direct initialization, that places the initializer in parentheses, and copy initialization, that us...
[3 replies] Last: OK, the question is subtle, but now is more evident. Thank you. (by joseph63)
by axe1
Password check fail... wheres the problem?
i need this function in a program i'm writing it checks the password you enter and provides access to another part(not shown here). when i enter the set passw...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks a lot!!! It works... i never thought of that. (by axe1)
2d array - nested loop with getline()
Hi, I have a conceptual problem. After some research and help I managed to read data from a text file and input it into 2d array. However, because of the "mu...
[2 replies] Last: Works perfect thx for your help. (by wboustany)
Operator assignment issue, part III
Sorry to make so many threads about a similar issue; just changed up the code so I didn't want the different versions getting mixed up since this is confusing e...
[12 replies] Last: Okay you have quite a few problems here that I noticed right off the b... (by Disch)
Including a New directory, VC++ 2010.
I'm using Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2010. I have a tutorial to include a header file from an outside directory. From Tools -> Options -> VC++ Directories, I'...
[2 replies] Last: Honestly, that's how I'm feeling about now. 2 hours? Yeah, maybe I ove... (by taxfrogmanful)
Advice on Learning C++
Alright so I'm reading Accelerated C++ 2000, I'm only on page 144/453. I haven't read it in the past month because I mostly got impatient but somewhat lazy. (Be...
[7 replies] Last: I am a beginner and have been reading "C++ A Beginner's Guide" by Herb... (by ragingvisions)
Any libraries to interpret mathematical expressions?
Say that I have a string, char equation = "=7*x+2*ln(PI)" , and I want to evaluate it using something like double Eqvaluate(char equation ) . Are there any ...
[1 reply] : I'm not aware of any specific libraries, although I'd bet they are out... (by moorecm)
by tianj
Read/write directory problems.
I wrote a c++ program that reads in some data files in the current directory. After user input it will also generate an output file in the current directory. ...
[2 replies] Last: For those interested in the answer, declare you main function like thi... (by tianj)
by wtf
warning: NULL used in arithmetic
is there any way to disable the warnings by something like -Wno? I know they say you shouldn't use null in arithmetic anyway, but I'm just using it as a quick ...
[4 replies] Last: You don't really need NULL for this. NULL is typically used for pointe... (by helios)
Is it bad practice to assign one pointer to another?
For example, int *p = new int; *p = 8; int *q; q = p; Now q points to the same int as p. Say p and q are put into a Container that has ownership. When th...
[8 replies] Last: If you're passing around ownership, or if the lifetime of the owner is... (by Disch)
Still not working
Hello everyvone I was used createprocess () function to run a processes on my OS (windows). Here is my source: #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> u...
[4 replies] Last: tnx it helps me but not in whole becouse it must start another program... (by Anon777)
H3lp with text tricks.
I want to do two things with text. 1. I want to create a function that will receive as input a sentense and display it slowly (like it's typed that moment fr...
[4 replies] Last: Null: Thabks for the suggestions. I had tried with string, but I was d... (by kkostas)
uml book
hello every body, i have read the book " Teach Yourself Uml In 24 Hours" and some other tuturials about uml, i feel comfortable with the basics and different...
[3 replies] Last: Well, I am sorry but most(if not all) of us on this forum don't know U... (by Vexer)
August 2010 Pages: 1... 1718192021... 28
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