Beginners - August 2010 (Page 17)

Cannot Access Class Header File
I've written a class that defines a Bow object with it's colour, number of arrows etc. and two actions, draw and fire. The actions draw the Bow back and fire it...
[4 replies] Last: Indeed. This is a very good approach, IMO. (by RyanCaywood)
by Wander
I always see people saying that it isn't safe to use windows.h header file. Why is this? Is it dangerous?
[3 replies] Last: min and max are the only things I can think of offhand that immediatly... (by Disch)
How does one make the <enter> key a variable?
I'm trying to construct a program wherein the program will display a line of text, then the user is supposed to press enter, and then another line of text will ...
[5 replies] Last: Hey, it worked! Laughing my arse off, you guys are great. Thx. (by Little Duck)
by Kyon
Iterating through memory addresses
I've lately gotten my hands on the (in)famous Cheat Engine and found that it was really easy to simulate it in C++, there's just one thing that keeps to dist...
[4 replies] Last: Just don't laugh at the "... (by m4ster r0shi)
Improving skills and possible cert
I have been teaching myself C++ with the help of this site, text books, youtube, and MIT free online material. I also am about to finish my physics degree. I wa...
[4 replies] Last: XNA is only valuable in indie game development. I don't see this meet... (by Return 0)
problem with converting a char array of integers to an int
Hi My problem: I am reading some binary image and keep their pixel values in a char array. Then convert them to integer to use for my purposes. This is wo...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks (by ne555)
by wtf
Ommitting Scope Resolution Operators from 1 statement control nests
If you were to omit the {} from an if or a for loop, would the following be permissible: bool unknown; if (somecondition) bool test = unknown; i...
[14 replies] Last: Here is an example directly form the C++ standard: [Example: if (x... (by Bazzy)
while loop and vector.erase()
I'm using VS 2010 and I have a problem with this part of code: getElement returns an element at i, delElement erases elements at between (and including) i an...
[1 reply] : I don't see where you reset your flag in the second code. Are you... (by ne555)
by bobito
Hi, The definition of a predicate is not clear to me. From the books, they say that a predicate is a function that returns a Boolean or a value that can be conv...
[3 replies] Last: It's now clear. Thanks. (by bobito)
ordering numbers
hey guys im doing an assignment where if you type in 3 numbers out of order ie. 4 5 4 it should return 4 4 5 this is what i've got so far im able to get it to o...
[10 replies] Last: You put two spaces inside the single quotes (up in the other post). (by filipe)
Why it repeats last record only?
I'm writing just a simple program that gets input from user and stores them in a file and displays the contents when required. Following is my program. What ...
[6 replies] Last: Using char arrays should work. Writing in binary as you are doing shou... (by Galik)
anyone know how to write an application to open Maya without the GUI?
Hello everyone, I m a noob in C++, but I ve programing experience in rhinoScript and MayaMel. I m trying to write a C++ program that can: 1.start Maya + open a...
[4 replies] Last: hello thanks for your reply, I did some research following the link... (by georgialucas)
"if ....else...." compile error
sfloat=strline.substr(18,8); if ("02") == 0) s+="读 "; else if ("00") == 0) s+=...
[19 replies] Last: ne555,you will be a great man.thank you very much. (by peripheral)
Write to file with check for duplicates gone wrong
The idea was to open a file with a list of names, ask the user for a name, check if it alreasy exists in the file, and if it doesn't, add it to the end of the f...
[2 replies] Last: I knew it would be something silly like this. Thanks a lot. (by kkostas)
how to append a file?
I have written a code to append a file, tried different procedures, but problem is second file pointer cant' open a file. Any solutions? ------------ voi...
[9 replies] Last: The problem is solved. The error was name of desination directory, ... (by gulshankumar)
Calling A LUA Function From C++?
Let's say I have hello.lua file that simply reads: function hello() io.write("Hello from LUA!") end How do I call this function from a C++? I'...
[no replies]
XCode and OpenAL
Hello... I've been following a tutorial but I have fallen at the first hurdle... I'm trying to include the OpenAL header files in an XCode project but whe...
[no replies]
Menu problem with given values from user
I have a menu that offers three options (1,2,3), with the last one being the exit option. The menu exists within a while(x != 3) loop and the x is int type. ...
[7 replies] Last: Duoas: Hail to the king!! Every time I read one of your posts I spe... (by kkostas)
Where and How did you learn to Program?
The title says it all, but I would like to know this so I can get a good start on programming so I won't waste time and money. Of course C++ is the most popu...
[17 replies] Last: chemical I really liked those links so I wanted to give you props o... (by fuzzylr)
by declan
Double free error...but the memory is only being freed once!
Hey guys. I made a change to my program, which was working fine, and now it is freaking out about me double freeing a pointer. Here's the error it throws: r...
[7 replies] Last: Well, I never found the error, but I changed all my code to that, and ... (by declan)
August 2010 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 28
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