by sugarcone
problem in returning a value
[6 replies] Last: because our teacher said that some systems don't show the right answe... (by Return 0)
by hunter
Currency Converter C++
[19 replies] Last: I don't recommend indefinate recursion. When you call a function, its ... (by chrisname)
by sethius
Tips please
[6 replies] Last: I might buy that book, written by the man himself. (by chrisname)
by chrisname
Reading from RAM (1,2)
[22 replies] Last: Yeah, it is. I forget what it's initial address is (the first address... (by chrisname)
by channnante
Calling variables dynamically
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, the problem is that I read all these objects from a ROOT file (R... (by channnante)
by trpsjt2008
ABC Problem
[3 replies] Last: #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> using namespace std; ... (by screw)
by mcleano
This should be made a sticky!
[no replies]
by tziny
Linked lists
[3 replies] Last: Very similar problem here as before. current = current->nxt; In th... (by hamsterman)
by valdinez
Map as a source of data
[2 replies] Last: I know that find is possible, but in the example you quoted: // map::... (by valdinez)
by bester
Bash from C++
[7 replies] Last: LOL he wants to fork a child. man is that cruel. i didn't know that pa... (by elvenspike)
error: missing storage-class or type specifiers --- why is it comming |
[1 reply] : You have to fully specify the type and scope when defining static memb... (by helios)
by rave003
string prob
[3 replies] Last: wew tnx hamsterman you fill in the part that i was missing. (by rave003)
by vwyodapink
Confused how to modify a program I wrote last week
[6 replies] Last: A few things you've forgot to do so far (haven't looked at whole progr... (by mcleano)
by mustey
Beginner class usage: splitting .h files
[7 replies] Last: you are right, my last question was off topic and pretty trivial. sorr... (by mustey)
by mustey
Simple structures code troubleshooting
[3 replies] Last: Dear jsmith, I guess I was two minutes quicker than you ;) (just ... (by mustey)
by areyoupp
Timestamp out of range; substituting 1970-01-01 02:00:00 eror
[7 replies] Last: aghhh.My stupid brother changed system date and year.he made 2095 0_0.... (by areyoupp)
by XxGunMastaxX
Switch statements + strings
[3 replies] Last: Though you can do stuff to switch on a string fairly simply. Here's th... (by Duthomhas)
by Cbick
Troubles with C++ assignment
[3 replies] Last: Your switch player function doesn't actually switch the character bein... (by firedraco)
by scoms2006
pos(point of sail)
[4 replies] Last: Is this a home grown POS system or industry leader? While there are s... (by Return 0)
by inbetween
basic global var question
[2 replies] Last: thanks very much. i'll remember that (by inbetween)