Beginners - August 2009

by Zzzyzx
Virtual Functions - Why?
Hi everyone, I'm learning about virtual functions. Given the following code: Base *pBase = new Derived; My questions are: Is this the only way to util...
[8 replies] Last: Ah, yes. C# keyword slip. :-( My bad. (by webJose)
by flad
What is needed to code
Let's say I'm completely new to programs, what would I need to code and write my first programs besides the knowledge of the language's syntax and the likes? I ...
[9 replies] Last: Another one i hear people raving about is Eclipse, but ive never real... (by NGen)
Graphics How?
I know about the Windows GDI, OpenGL, and DirectX. I need to know which is easy to learn. Please if you could explain how they work and their differences. Thank...
[10 replies] Last: While SDL is good with 2D and OpenGL is good with 3D, it's hard for th... (by NGen)
installation proceedure of Turbo C++ Ver 3
Dear Sir, Kindly tell me the proceedure for installation of Turbo C++. Do I need to create some additional files in TC folder before starting using it . Rega...
[1 reply] : The last time I installed it, you just installed it from the floppy di... (by kbw)
Reading ints from a txt in a concise way
I'm still a bit new to C++, so I apologize in advance if some of what I say doesn't make sense at all. My current goal is to take a text file that contains b...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help and quick reply. I just implemented what you sugg... (by Reflectivist)
Is it possible to make my own rendering engine with C++ and if so how? Thanks!
[3 replies] Last: Yes (by Qwerty2)
no matching function for call to classname::classname
I get the following error generated from the cstor of the StartMeUp class. no matching function for call to BoxMaker::BoxMaker ...
[4 replies] Last: It is exactly as my example above. Given the following class: ... (by jsmith)
question about fstream
i had a question regarding fstream suppose i had a text file 1 850 9395 11.40am 6 2 900 10000 12.30pm 7 3 900 16800 10.30am 15 ..................... ...
[6 replies] Last: no prob (by Alan)
by Alan
Math Estimation
Can you estimate the value of a power? base exponent
[8 replies] Last: oh... ok (by Alan)
Looking for simple beginner programs to make
Hey everyone so im a little newbish with C++ and i know that the best way for me to learn something, is to actually do it. So can you give any ideas about how a...
[3 replies] Last: Hey! What's the big idea? I was gonna post that! (by chrisname)
by joshky
passing variables to system
I am wondering how I can pass a variable to the system function. i.e.: int x=3; char y='B'; system("color" x y); Obviously the code doesn't work like th...
[5 replies] Last: You can use sprintf ( C style ) (by Bazzy)
remove elements from 2D vector?
somebody help me knows 2D vector. i have a problem that to delete some elements from given number of row. example: vector< vector<int> > x; vector<int > ...
[2 replies] Last: Huh? Your first line is totally wrong. The second block works, exc... (by jsmith)
Compiling in windows
I am making a scrolling shooter game(SSG) is C++ with SDL library , I use the following command to compile in linux: g++ -o scrolling_shooter_game ammo.cpp ...
[10 replies] Last: Yu-ho! It's work!!!Thanks!kbw! :):):):):):) Also thanks to Duoas beca... (by a20365354)
small calculator issue.....
I made a calculator that does addition, subtraction, division, and Multiplication. After messing around with it for a little bit I finally go it to compile with...
[3 replies] Last: i changed the varible type to int on choice and it works know. i on... (by shadowvillian)
by Alan
how to use a string as an iterator
How could you use a string as an iterator so you can do this... string s = "aksdfjsdfnxdujser"; sort(s, s+s.length()); I would think to convert the...
[3 replies] Last: OMG... sorry string has its own implementation of replace()... wow... ... (by Alan)
String/char question...
I am writing a binary file. This binary file is saying something like this:<char*>(&n), sizeof(n)); Because of the char type us...
[2 replies] Last: ok cool you answered my question, thank you. (by brokenbot)
by hunter
How to capture a full sentence? (1,2)
How do I get my program to recognize multiple words (including the space)? I have tried cin >> userinput; But when tested it shows only the first word. ...
[23 replies] Last: erm, i dont mean to hijack the thread but i tried to use getline with ... (by elvenspike)
Reading error data from file
Hi This is the code that i practice below ******************************************************************************** #include <fstream> int main()...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks I solved it with changing the extention to txt (by andys0723)
number guessing game problem
[7 replies] Last: Yup, sorry, don't use NULL (deprecated) in C++ - my bad (habit) and... (by johnkravetzki)
Colouring A certain text in console ?
Following up the following thread : I want to ask if there is a certain command to make the the console out...
[4 replies] Last: check tha... (by Cojones)
August 2009 Pages: 123... 17
  Archived months: [jul2009] [sep2009]

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