by Chemystery
Trying out with coding and with some questions
[2 replies] Last: but 3 in code reads result = function(args); digging into best practi... (by jonnin)
by oninoor
Looping C++
[2 replies] Last: thank you so much @lastchance, I really appreciate that (by oninoor)
Identify math expressions |
[6 replies] Last: Thanks, @Helios, and @Jonnin I'll try to apply all your suggestions se... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
by ericM
update item in a std::set
[4 replies] Last: extraction and reinsertion worked fine for me. Thanks all for the cla... (by ericM)
by NPhillips
Star Search (Now with arrays)
[1 reply] : Arrays are just variables that store a specified amount of info. i... (by closed account N8MNAqkS)
by iamyiyaj
#include <cctype>
[3 replies] Last: Visual studio's "pch.h" (the header they use now which replaced "stda... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by JimBob
Trash output when inputing a char into an int
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <limits> int main() { int response =... (by deleted account xyzzy)
geting input from specific keys |
[no replies]
by programSam88
Need help passing a 2dArray of a Structure by reference!
[1 reply] : It would help you in the long run, if you would describe the trouble a... (by keskiverto)
by cutwo
feedback needed, please
[1 reply] : Hello cutwo, I am trying to create a menu with a heap. This state... (by Handy Andy)
by M22878
I'm trying to create a program that randomly plays audio files on a continuous loop.
[6 replies] Last: Furry Guy, that fixed it! (by M22878)
by mcnhscc39
compiler skipping over a line of code
[2 replies] Last: Just so you're clear, this has nothing to do with the compiler. The f... (by salem c)
by cash
complex number to power
[2 replies] Last: I keep on getting an errror. What is the error? Post it here, pleas... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by Faizts
I need this to add 2% discount in Pizza Price if it Increase RS.5000
[4 replies] Last: Thanks to all of you for your support so much response thanks guys (by Faizts)
by kyrresc
Counting values in map
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <functional> #include <tu... (by JLBorges)
by kenken
While Loop Help
[1 reply] : I get 14 with both codes. In both cases you input the number AFTER te... (by lastchance)
can i make my own working functions |
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <ctime> namespace my... (by JLBorges)
Ideas for AP project? |
[1 reply] : maybe you could sort something and then search it more efficiently bec... (by jonnin)
Return 0 |
[2 replies] Last: That would be impossible, because once main() returns, the program end... (by helios)
what do i need to know to make a video game |
[9 replies] Last: You might enjoy Casey Muratori's "Handmade Hero" series: https://handm... (by mbozzi)