by arnoldb4711
What i´m doing wrong undefined reference to `GetFirstParam(st
[2 replies] Last: you need a function header or to call it after (below, top to bottom) ... (by jonnin)
by iamyiyaj
Replacing capital letters with lowercase letters
[1 reply] : Replace lines 22 and 23 by str = tolower(str ); Yo... (by lastchance)
by Flynn Rhodes
Header Files and Using Methods Located in Other .ccp Files
[3 replies] Last: > I am getting an undeclared identifier error ¿which identifier? (¿w... (by ne555)
Tutorials for utilizing a structure in a monster battle/adventure program? |
[1 reply] : A structure is the same as a class, except the default access is publi... (by helios)
by daveed
How to read a file into pointers
[4 replies] Last: use github or similar, or just post the top errors, but don't go parap... (by ne555)
by aakashdata
the role of preprocessor directives in c program
[4 replies] Last: I tend to suspect something fishy with posts like this, but I couldn't... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by Orion98
Finding The Most Common Value and its Count in a Array of Random Numbers
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <ctime> #include <cst... (by lastchance)
by bistelA0005
new without delete?
[5 replies] Last: Human* firstMan; // gives me an error firstMan->name = "Adam"; W... (by keskiverto)
by Bopaki
Program does not print the elements of the copied stack
[4 replies] Last: I simply re-pushed all the elements from myStack and the program work... (by TheIdeasMan)
by TJW
Find multiple modes in an array
[6 replies] Last: modeCounter=0, //Array size. modeNumbers ; //Create an array t... (by lastchance)
by stoneJax
Access Violation
[3 replies] Last: The copy constructor is how my instructor set his up in his example. I... (by stoneJax)
by Yogib
nested if else. can someone help me?
[1 reply] : if (letter == 'A' || 'a') Hi that code doesn't do what you think i... (by TheIdeasMan)
by avatar133
How do I read from a file and display it to the user?
[2 replies] Last: Yes! Thank you, that helped a lot! (by avatar133)
how does this work (1,2) |
[21 replies] Last: To clarify before Helios gets on my ass about this too. I was joking w... (by closed account N8MNAqkS)
by rsp19
Debug assertion failure
[6 replies] Last: It works great now, except I cannot get the right numbers that the num... (by rsp19)
AP project Ideas? |
[8 replies] Last: Dhayden That might work but I don't even know the first thing about ... (by Warzombie3701)
by Orion98
Formatting an Array of Random Numbers
[4 replies] Last: ...then outputs the most common integer in the array and how many tim... (by MikeStgt)
Read in Data from a File to Create a 2D Array |
[4 replies] Last: Yes that worked very well and I intuitively understood it as well. Tha... (by acscicplusplus)
by Abdulahad
[5 replies] Last: @jlb, Thanks for the input. I did not understand correctly that the c... (by Handy Andy)
by kyrresc
Why doesn't this compile?
[8 replies] Last: Yes, they're completely different. std::find() is implemented basicall... (by helios)