by franqjos000
Pig Latin Program
[4 replies] Last: Thank you!! I will get to fixing them, again thanks for the help (by franqjos000)
by daveed
Segmentation fault help
[11 replies] Last: What do your Book and Warehouse definitions look like? Also a small co... (by jlb)
by BlotOfInk
Problems using seekg
[3 replies] Last: It'll work just fine. On windows, however, there is a design flaw in s... (by Duthomhas)
No Matching Function to Call Error |
[4 replies] Last: Hello zzknight, First your program uses an input file. Where is it? I... (by Handy Andy)
by Roteao
Operator Overloading - Inline atribute
[2 replies] Last: > I have seen some code where they use the sentence "inline" in the fu... (by JLBorges)
by daveed
need help with operator >> method
[1 reply] : when trying to cout the Book, i get hex values Are you sure you are ... (by Peter87)
by nikes
Need help asap
[5 replies] Last: Thank you, finally solved all my problems and got program working exac... (by nikes)
by redfury
Using two overloaded operators in same line but compiler not allowing it, why?
[1 reply] : The + operator does not modify its operands so you should mark the par... (by Peter87)
by ROKeb
Is there how i can get the character own coordinates ??
[2 replies] Last: I'm sorry I forgot. I use Window10 64bit, Visual studio 2010 tool and... (by ROKeb)
by Kukamunga
error with program involving classes
[1 reply] : > . it says " no matching function for call to 'Department<std::basic... (by salem c)
by thunderbird
Segmentation fault error
[1 reply] : > std::list<AST*>::iterator blockIt = blockptr->child.begin(); >... (by salem c)
by BIGB185
[5 replies] Last: It might help if you copy/paste all the instructions into your code as... (by salem c)
by daisy3713
[1 reply] : I assume by save and retrieve data that they mean through writing onto... (by zapshe)
by learning2019
Not getting proper results.
[3 replies] Last: Verify that you have been able to open the file and read from it; emit... (by JLBorges)
by johnsonj1585
2D Array
[1 reply] : Try something like this, however if you want to read in strings you'll... (by nicholasjb1996)
permenant headach 3 (1,2) |
[23 replies] Last: You guys do know that you can change the name of repositories in githu... (by Grand Master stickshift)
by chocotaco
Trouble deleting and line is skipping when asking input
[3 replies] Last: > Album_l is supposed to represent a collection of albums. then your ... (by ne555)
by BC176
User input validation for non-duplicate elements into an array
[7 replies] Last: Wow thank you. That mostly makes sense. I'll need to read it a few tim... (by BC176)
Whats Abstraction |
[5 replies] Last: "The essence of abstractions is preserving information that is releva... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by sayanel
Displaying a text in a QGraphicsScene
[3 replies] Last: It doesn’t need to be complicated, but: - QMainWindow might contain... (by Enoizat)