Beginners - April 2019 (Page 24)

is programming for unity different then programing for UE4
so I have been watching people program in both of these engines and some functions look different in unity then they do in UE4. and then I learned about header ...
[5 replies] Last: I want to clarify that I'm not familiar with using C++ with Unity. I'v... (by Ganado)
Right answers but when I return I get wrong
I hope you guys won't need me to translate the whole code. So all the math is done in void vidurkis. I did everywhere cout in the function. Looks like everythin...
[3 replies] Last: Lines 20-21: I still think these two lines are out of order. You're ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Help with Loop
Hi - This is likely to be a simple fix. But I am tasked with creating a treasure hunt game Where the Player must enter a X value and a Y value. The number must ...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you for your help - Clearly, I'm a noob to coding... coder777, I... (by ClarkeyBoy99)
Error checking values from txt
hey everyone i am trying to create a program that error checks values from a text file Examples of valid number input: 6 0 15 9 12 Examples of invalid number...
[2 replies] Last: Hello gsid8365, PLEASE ALWAYS USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting butt... (by Handy Andy)
Fourier Series function plotting differently than graph calc
I'm new on this forum and kinda new in c++ and certain maths... I'm not sure, but I think I did a correct Fourier formula on Geogebra graph calculator, but, wh...
[5 replies] Last: Oh, you made the code for me... :) Thank you very much for the effort.... (by SophiaCristina)
Loop creating extra output.
Okay, so I just started teaching myself C++ maybe a few days ago. Messed around with some basic input output things, I wanted to mess with characters and the i...
[11 replies] Last: I don't know about the code itself but I want to point one thing about... (by Grime)
Nested Loops homework problem.
Can anyone help me with this nested loops homework problem? I'm stuck on it and I'll be beyond grateful for anyone's help. 2. Request an integer value n. Outp...
[3 replies] Last: One for() loop only: // Example program #include <iostream> #include ... (by MikeStgt)
Remove Vowels
Just needing pointers on figuring this out Instructions Write a program that prompts the user to input a string. The program then uses the function sub...
[15 replies] Last: My idea how to abuse substr() for this task was, concatenate the subst... (by MikeStgt)
unhandled exception
I created a fraction class function whose job is to reduce fractions. I am able to match my instructor output with the given fractions 8/9 and 2/3. However, he ...
[7 replies] Last: I appreciate the feedback guys. I got it to work and I took it a step ... (by stoneJax)
Maze game using 2D array
Can anyone help me get started with this i am not sure how to read from file into array. The user will be presented with a maze, which is read from a file....
[1 reply] : You could try and do something with this code if you like. It reads th... (by Cheddar99)
Two Same Strings Don't Equal Each Other? (1,2)
I'm inputting a string and comparing it to a string. For some reason they don't equal even though they are the same. I'm guessing this has something to do with ...
[23 replies] Last: [quote=Enoizat]Well, not exactly... You need to change the subject: st... (by PiggiesGoSqueal)
by sturk
Ranged based for loop to normal loop
Hi, how can I change this ranged based for loop below to a normal for loop itself? I keep getting an error. Thanks! for (const auto& pt : poly.mPoints) ...
[4 replies] Last: Peter, your response made me laugh, because all that does is remove th... (by Ganado)
April 2019 Pages: 1... 222324
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