by medosz
Class member function
[1 reply] : void displayAccount (){ std::cout << "\naccount1 name:" << ... (by Repeater)
by TJW
Linear search doesn't work
[3 replies] Last: Oh, yes you're correct, I missed that part of it while reading that. O... (by Ganado)
by gigis74
Big number arithmetic
[5 replies] Last: If you want to use big numbers you can create a class BigNumber where... (by dhayden)
by kyrresc
Template programming
[3 replies] Last: Rule of three/five/zero discusses the operator= https://en.cppreferenc... (by keskiverto)
by stoneJax
2d array
[4 replies] Last: Show the definition of the class. We cannot see how you declare the b... (by keskiverto)
by psosmol
methods get and set
[13 replies] Last: Sounds about right. Java tends to pass by reference, by default. C++ b... (by Repeater)
Can't figure out why I'm getting this error |
[1 reply] : You declared a constructor Date(int,int,int) on line 13 in Date.h: ... (by lastchance)
by TJW
Selection sort doesn't count correctly
[6 replies] Last: #include <iostream> // return the position of the smallest item at o... (by JLBorges)
by Marcos8701
Input file opens but nothing is saved. Help!
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both for recognizing one of my problems. I switched my if s... (by Marcos8701)
by Deadweight77
Random number calculations Read from/Writing to a file
[5 replies] Last: Yea I figured it out thank you for your help! (by Deadweight77)
by ccaudle
Making a display menu and asking user to choose one and error check to keep asking until one of the three are chosen
[1 reply] : Getting and validating user input is an example of a loop where the ex... (by dhayden)
by redtopaz
C++ Console Program - Determining highest and lowest score for diving competition.
[1 reply] : You could make two variables high and low for example and every time ... (by Zivojin)
by sunshine4
Correctly identify items of 2D vector for comparison
[3 replies] Last: Hi...just a fyi...I have cleaned up my file. My query and document fi... (by sunshine4)
by redfury
Set Precision command when converting float value into string
[1 reply] : to_string() does not have any way to set precision. For a float or a d... (by AbstractionAnon)
by DdavidDLT
Erasing array element
[3 replies] Last: you can do it, but you probably have a bug. I don't see it. print th... (by jonnin)
by psosmol
no overwriting object
[1 reply] : Duplicated post: (by Enoizat)
by DdavidDLT
Reversing an array
[10 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <... (by lastchance)
by Sukiida
Problems with Dialog windows!!
[no replies]
by medosz
Constructor + member function
[1 reply] : The problem is that this code does not compile, for many many reasons.... (by Repeater)
by FreeThinker
Small Problem with a getline statement
[3 replies] Last: I think you'll find this works: #include <iostream> #include <strin... (by Cheddar99)