by ccaudle
Writing a single player battleship, need help with the start game
[no replies]
by lazorgod
How to Read from a file
[6 replies] Last: @Cheddar99, I did the same thing once by not researching far enough. ... (by Handy Andy)
by atn170001
Linked Lists and Nodes
[1 reply] : In the function where you are reading from a file you coul dhave a cha... (by Zivojin)
by FreeThinker
Utilizing a vector for an inventory program?
[7 replies] Last: Some game related store/inventory source I ran across a while back usi... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by blackstar
setprecision problem
[7 replies] Last: OK, in that case I would do without the 4% as 96% is much more than ... (by MikeStgt)
by salamxdd
Getting a munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer error, using pointers for my first time
[3 replies] Last: The issue was the way I deleted the pointer. Thank you so much for the... (by salamxdd)
by Zivojin
[2 replies] Last: string one looks to be too expensive. personally I am a huge fan of ... (by jonnin)
by DdavidDLT
Sorting an array
[4 replies] Last: unless these are very, very large any tweaks will give only tiny bits ... (by jonnin)
by Bopaki
Not sure why Assertion fails
[7 replies] Last: 1. You need to be creating new StackNode's, not new Stacks. 2. You nee... (by salem c)
0xC000000005 that I don't understand |
[2 replies] Last: > printf("%f\n", *input ); Well, 1. %f isn't how you print a char (of... (by salem c)
by Phroton
expected unqualified-id before '>>' token when using Strings
[1 reply] : std::string >>; This makes no sense and I can see no re... (by Repeater)
by jjordan33
Viewing asc image (1,2)
[24 replies] Last: Thank you for sharing it. I still wonder about the variable height, de... (by MikeStgt)
by calioranged
References to Pointers (1,2)
[20 replies] Last: In the example you provided, ptref is "just" a reference to the ptr... (by keskiverto)
by DdavidDLT
Erasing odd array's element
[19 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <sstream> using namespace std; void rea... (by lastchance)
by CodeChillz
Friendship, protected, setters...
[1 reply] : When it comes to having access to private data, is one method consid... (by mbozzi)
by SparkXV
Error Correction
[2 replies] Last: Same again. But you d... (by salem c)
by usmannazir
Address not consistant
[6 replies] Last: It can depend on the C++ implementation and the OS. On Windows the ad... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by jjordan33
Auto-fill(flooding) image help
[14 replies] Last: I'll still post the whole thing on Monday. Which Monday? ;) ... whi... (by MikeStgt)
by SparkXV
Boundary cases?
[8 replies] Last: I think this is the best i can explain to you.Feel free to ask any ot... (by MikeStgt)
by sunshine4
How to account for numbers/digits in file
[8 replies] Last: Yes, that worked. Thanks a bunch. (by sunshine4)