by Thunderrob
Structs, command line, & I/O
[1 reply] : Reading from file is no different from reading from std::cin. You can... (by keskiverto)
by dbarclay100
Why am I getting "No matching function for call"?
[1 reply] : First, avoid unnecessary use of global variables. Constants are ok. S... (by keskiverto)
C programing language family |
[7 replies] Last: How would the compiler tell the difference between your C++/C/C# code?... (by zapshe)
by morphius999
AI on a device that i need to access
[2 replies] Last: if your AI is voice activated, you can do this with notepad and text t... (by jonnin)
by LOSD82
Calculator Averages/How hard?
[3 replies] Last: yep. fumble fingered that. (by jonnin)
"Completing the the square" |
[10 replies] Last: ... and I feel like a doofus Get used to it, it's human to be error... (by MikeStgt)
by DdavidDLT
Need an help with an arrays
[6 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <vector> #include <al... (by lastchance)
by HrishikeshK
Design a class Person with private data members
[5 replies] Last: HrishikeshK, tinker away! When you get stuck for more than hour, post... (by dhayden)
Please Help me with a project |
[1 reply] : Hello xehkrebornhkxd, You could start by posting the actual instructi... (by Handy Andy)
by phalangium
'class std::vector<indiv>' has no member named 'init_PM'
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the suggestions. I tried removing the first parameter and ... (by phalangium)
by realzhen
separate vector
[3 replies] Last: You are already using std::vector's iterators to loop the output, use ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by sturk
C++ static cast or dynamic cast
[2 replies] Last: > Given following c code: C *p = malloc(sizeof(C)) ; > What is equ... (by JLBorges)
by snoozycs1
c++ operator prob
[3 replies] Last: Ohh that makes sense, silly me. Cheers, thanks mate! :) (by snoozycs1)
Having trouble with while() |
[1 reply] : As far as the while loop goes for unlimited students this is a possibl... (by atn170001)
by atn170001
Outputting char pointer of nodes from linked list prints out garbage after calling display function.
[2 replies] Last: I managed to work past it. As far as why the c-string was getting corr... (by atn170001)
Trouble with debugging |
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, this helped a lot. (by sethmiller867)
by Thormind
Problem with Quicksort, left pivot point
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! I will try to follow your advice next time i post. (by Thormind)
by blackstar
Class types - LF Hints
[3 replies] Last: Small video file on were i currently am in the project https://drive.g... (by blackstar)
by kuzudoli
remove() function's not working (perror:permission denied)
[4 replies] Last: thank you guys :) (by kuzudoli)
by EkkoXII
Math Game
[9 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <ctime> #include <cst... (by lastchance)