Beginners - April 2019 (Page 11)

Write your question here. Write a program which accepts an account balance and computes any service charge. Balance Service Charge < ...
[1 reply] : Start with a program that prompts for the account balance, reads it fr... (by dhayden)
skipcount C++
Write your question here. having issues trying to get it to run need help asap #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <st...
[3 replies] Last: having issues trying to get it to run Getting it to compile without ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Problem with char*
Does anybody knows that might trigger a breakpoint here char * arr; int t; int length; Stack(int a)//stack of characters { length=a; arr=new char ;//Here t...
[1 reply] : Print out the value of length before you try new char ; ... (by JLBorges)
Cannot reverse simple std::string
I know that I could print the following string simply by for cycle, but I want to know why it does not work. #include <string> #include <iostream> int...
[3 replies] Last: Not in this case. You're trying to access single elements that don't e... (by jlb)
stupid error
i keep getting errors: too many characters in character constant, 4 times, code is E0026(x3) and C2015(x1) #include <iostream> #include <string> #includ...
[2 replies] Last: Hvala ti brt! (by tomisrb)
by eeeee5
1. Write a program that requires you to enter eight integers in the array named temp. 2. When entering each number, add the number to the total. 3. After e...
[15 replies] Last: one person, easter maybe 2050 or worse. I am not unrealistic, I am ju... (by jonnin)
user input
how would I ignore an input if the user dont put one for GPA,ACT or SAT using namespace std; #include <iostream> #include <string> class Student { p...
[3 replies] Last: the conditional area is a mess. if (x is an exact value and x is less... (by jonnin)
by Bopaki
I really do not know what is wrong with this function
This is function is exactly as it is in the book of DS Malik & Savitch but I get this error: :\Martin\MalikChapter7\std_libcmpt225LinkedStack.cpp:87:18: err...
[3 replies] Last: Those should be self-explanatory. You've defined newNode to be a po... (by MikeyBoy)
Overloading Rational Numbers code
I have this code that I found online that I need adopting so that the functions are overloaded operators, instead of just regular functions. But Im strugglin...
[2 replies] Last: Why is it that the simplest things always go over my head??? Thanks @... (by wirelesskill)
Debugging windoze error dialogue box
I am in the process of adding another function (getY()) to a previously working program (#02). The ultimate purpose of this function is to select values from t...
[4 replies] Last: sorry, ar2077, missed your reply while dealing with coder777's. getY.... (by phalangium)
Understanding on Overloading >>
I am starting a new function and my book has a very limited example to go on. Furthermore, there are no examples to go on from my class. I have to create an ove...
[4 replies] Last: I am starting to get a better feel for how it works. It's not the clea... (by stoneJax)
[10 replies] Last: Another "I demand you do my homework for me for free" poster rage quit... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Font size
Can someone tell me how to change font size in C++? When i run program,font is too small...
[2 replies] Last: c++ does not grok font. GUI programs do, and have libraries for it...... (by jonnin)
C++ Operator overloading (>>) errors
I cant seem to figure out where Im making a mistake here, to me it seems it should work, but Im getting an error: 'bool operator>(const Time&)' must take exactl...
[2 replies] Last: @Repeater Ffs.... thanks man. Such a silly mistake. (by wirelesskill)
Reading from a File ; HIGHEST #?
Hello! In this program, I am allowing the user to input grades that will be written to a file. Afterward, I need to read from that file and determine the highes...
[6 replies] Last: Hello! Sorry for Double Posting. Also, the word "assignment" is requ... (by elevona)
Writing to a File // Repeats itself?
Hi! I am trying to write this information to a file (I am not worrying about the actual formatting right at this moment) and after I coded the outFile << [whate...
[4 replies] Last: Consider input data: 7 101 42 boo 4 The output file will get: assig... (by keskiverto)
by molia
Pizza Palour Program
I need a program which does following : Welcome to Sky Pizza Shop! This old-time pizza parlor has decided to process all the operations using a program. Ins...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <cctype> #include <limits> int main() {... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Understanding streams
Hello, I am working on understanding streams, to better understand what happens when dealing with files, overloading of << and >> in C++.. If we have the follo...
[8 replies] Last: os << << '/' << dt.da << '/' << dt.yr; In this line, os is t... (by Manga)
Тo compose a function that reports,whether or not in an orientated graph the peaks(nodes)of the species "<---( )--->". So this is the code i wrote but i'm ...
[no replies]
by Nookie
Merge two codes into one
Hello. I'm new here. I'm learning in Dev-C++ and so far i made a simple console. It's about sorting small and big coins. Now i finish the code, and i wanna to ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much sir for helping me out. (by Nookie)
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