by DadamE
ISBN-10 "calculator"
[3 replies] Last: so check to see if you just meant = instead of ==. This and the rever... (by jonnin)
by cudla100
Snake game problems
[2 replies] Last: the classic snake game moves like this: draw a new pixel (box, *, what... (by jonnin)
by henry123
Minimize daily route
[2 replies] Last: some cases require checking every permutation. the best non full chec... (by jonnin)
by PistolPete10
classes, with functions
[12 replies] Last: The pain of having to rewrite code over and over again as it gets expa... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Why Make a Namespace |
[5 replies] Last: That sounds useful It is, very useful. using namespace std; trash... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by Harry792
D&D player and Int help (1,2)
[20 replies] Last: Thanks MikeStgt that helped alot acctuly (by Harry792)
How to access derived member functions from base class. |
[4 replies] Last: If you want to call SetX() or GetX() on all values in vector v then yo... (by dhayden)
by molia
Operator overloading
[1 reply] : in>>k(i,j) >>" " ; You can't extract into a string literal. Just re... (by dhayden)
by snoozycs1
Adding and displaying information
[1 reply] : Hello snoozycs1, PLEASE ALWAYS USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting but... (by Handy Andy)
by ksolo7
Having trouble pulling boundary data points from input file
[6 replies] Last: @ksolo7, If you are going to interpolate then you should be reading va... (by lastchance)
by TJW
Use the pointer to a structure array
[5 replies] Last: To Peter87 Thank you! I just added "cin.ignore()", and it worked. The ... (by TJW)
by BIGB185
Height in feet and inches converted to meters.
[5 replies] Last: Excellent questions. What is the point of the "f" after "12.0 12.0 ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by yucecoder
Multiple definition error
[2 replies] Last: Repeater thanks for reply. I forgot to comment out int root = 0; lin... (by yucecoder)
by redfury
Operator Overloading of >> in Classes causing issue
[3 replies] Last: Ah, my bad. Guess the issue was just the other stuff you mentioned. (by Ganado)
by fer021
I can't run my program
[1 reply] : you have opened something else. compilers generate other files. look... (by jonnin)
by Harry792
Trying to understand this Code
[1 reply] : void toUpper(std::string str) Makes a copy of the passed string, any... (by deleted account xyzzy)
#define? |
[3 replies] Last: you can also use them to force inline code (one reason to use a macr... (by jonnin)
by sk1234
Please Help DFS code explaination
[3 replies] Last: Here's a description of dfs(). I can't say for sure that it solves the... (by dhayden)
by chocotaco
Help for the highest
[5 replies] Last: You need to return the index number of the highest selling salsa to us... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by AshtoKream
Trouble reading csv file into vector of struct
[8 replies] Last: Hello AshtoKream, The order of the arguments makes no difference. Wha... (by Handy Andy)