by vysero
How to read/understand this line of code.
[2 replies] Last: Line 51 can translate to an if/else construct: [code firstline=51] i... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by Fonzeh
RDS(Random Drug Screen) Random Name Picker
[5 replies] Last: Hey this is good. So I was thinking everytime the Application was lau... (by Fonzeh)
by Jo1152
File reading help
[2 replies] Last: Sad to say, but that really didn't help me very much. It still doesn't... (by Jo1152)
by bsr
adding string
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, for your answer. (by bsr)
by warchief
MSV Find where a given function used
[1 reply] : Which version of Visual Studio are you using? The feature works for... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by wirelesskill
C++ OOP returning several different values
[3 replies] Last: Usually in such a case it is a good idea to pack things in structs lik... (by coder777)
by laurasalas
Access violation?
[7 replies] Last: thx (by olybobo)
by tori1523
help with
[5 replies] Last: I fixed the function corner and it is running the code. thank you (by tori1523)
by saxoalex
Array problem between 2 class
[7 replies] Last: saxoalex, Qt has a tool to easily update all its components, compiler ... (by Enoizat)
by jefazo92
Understanding binary search trees
[5 replies] Last: [quote=jefazo92]I don't understand your answer to the 2nd question. As... (by MikeyBoy)
by ROKeb
How to delete pointer memory of std::deque or something
[2 replies] Last: Repeater’s already given you the proper answer to your question (“... (by Enoizat)
by Pecvx
about stringstream, reading from file
[6 replies] Last: If your file has two comma separated strings in each line, perhaps you... (by Enoizat)
by kyrresc
const auto& for loop
[2 replies] Last: If you want to change the values in the container, reference is necess... (by Repeater)
by Yogib
(getline(infile, data)) help ignoring line breaks
[1 reply] : Hello Yogib, I can see several problems: Line 34. If your compiler i... (by Handy Andy)
How can I implement an abstraction into this code? 2.0 |
[4 replies] Last: Write your program using a class. Have class called Bank and have func... (by fiji885)
by PistolPete10
Need help with the menu loop and a function
[3 replies] Last: Now when I go to add the contact it errors up, has something to do wit... (by PistolPete10)
by cutwo
need help with Minimum spanning
[2 replies] Last: Need help fixing code The compiler you use compiles this code without... (by MikeStgt)
by ECito
Omitting pyramid pattern rows
[10 replies] Last: intentionally In that case I withdraw my remarks :) (by MikeStgt)
by kyrresc
Overloaded ostream operator
[1 reply] : You can overload the << operator be a member function of a class. BUT ... (by Ganado)
Retrieving and referencing names stored in a vector |
[5 replies] Last: Once again, thank you. Yeah that makes complete sense. Thank you for... (by everybodyCallsMeM)