Beginners - April 2018 (Page 8)

Access File Payroll Code Program, need help
Creating a program that allows the user to enter a payroll code, the program searches for it and displays its corresponding salary amount. Should display this ...
[2 replies] Last: Where in the program should I put this? (by Databend)
Make an if statement execute an equation and use answer
Hello, I've been beating my head against a wall running into different error/not having wanted/correct results. This program is supposed to return what day a...
[2 replies] Last: // Using zeller's algorithm // F = K + ( (13 * M + 1) / 5 ) + D + (D... (by Enoizat)
Creating a Soccer Roster using vectors and loops
Hello, I have spent copious amount of time on this code, and I don't know if I really don't understand the issue, or if my brain is just fried at this point, b...
[2 replies] Last: the problem is with your curly braces you have too many,if you a curly... (by adam2016)
by bla
template<class T&>
Hi, is it valid to put the ampersand with the class/typename keyword instead of with the function?
[4 replies] Last: Good example. Thanks guys. (by bla)
Having Trouble Looping through rest of string
I am new to this, and I am trying to translate the whole string to pig latin by taking the first letter and putting it at the end of the word then adding "AY " ...
[1 reply] : Hello Newbie9, Welcome to the forum. You have included the header fi... (by Handy Andy)
by SPP
How to compile Dosbox SVN Build Daum source code by using either gcc or g++ compiler
I want to compile Dosbox SVN Build Daum source code by using either gcc or g++ compiler, but I have no idea how to do this. The source code can be downloaded...
[4 replies] Last: Thomas1965 said: There are binaries available. (by SPP)
Problems with array.
In the following programme, i was trying to use a graphic method to find the overlap area of n rectangles. x, is the x coordinate of the left bottom, so does y...
[1 reply] : Don't use a graphical method. If you overlap two rectangles then the ... (by lastchance)
Access File Program
Creating a program that takes the current info inside of my file and displays it on screen, should display the name of the product, it's quantity, and price nex...
[2 replies] Last: cout << name << "\t" << quantity << "\t" << price << "\t" << quantit... (by lastchance)
How to change output given only 2 inputs instead of 3?
I'm in an intro to C++ class and I'm having trouble with one of my assignments. We need to write a code that can take a person's full name as input and outp...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks! The program we use for our assignments is via an online textb... (by mwell008)
Initializer List question
I know that if we have primitive data types like int x, then we can simple use : x(0) to initialize it to 0 in the initializer list, but what if we have an obj...
[7 replies] Last: > So what you're saying is if the constructor for A doesn't take any p... (by JLBorges)
by ad4ms3
Unusually high unsigned int
Write your question here. I am a bit surprised that unsigned int generates unusually high numbers way above its limits. Random numbers are in tens of millions, ...
[4 replies] Last: std::rand() returns a pseudo random number between 0 and RAND_MAX... (by JLBorges)
Percent Display Confusion
I've been practicing passing a txt file into Dynamically Allocated Arrays, couldn't figure it out so went with Vector in the meantime and have the code below so...
[6 replies] Last: beautiful! I'll play around with that for sure and get back. Thank you... (by girlscout)
Recursive Palindrome
Just finished this assignment. Head Hurts. Code works. Any tips on cleaning it up or being more effective are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. /* ...
[7 replies] Last: @tpb You make it look way more simple, but that's a bit beyond me atm.... (by girlscout)
Function not taking X arguments
Hello, I continue getting the "fn. does not take X arguments" for my getInput & returnWeekDay. I've declared the same number of variables that I am calling, ...
[3 replies] Last: In function getInput all three parameters need to be passed by referen... (by lastchance)
Dealing cards
Hi, So I have a three-part project. I've already done the first part which entailed unwrapping the deck to show that it was in ascending order and a shuffle f...
[4 replies] Last: You should teach this, because you do a really great job of breaking e... (by Leedah8)
Storing structured data in the Hard Disk
Hi, I need to have a data structure(container) such as vectors or arrays where I can store data in the memory as well as in the Hard disk. In the following code...
[2 replies] Last: @tpb thanks. I came up with my way as I didn't know anything else at ... (by flash13)
Array and pointer problemsssss
#include<iostream> int main(){ int digits ={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; int *p1=digits; int *p2=digits+9; I would like to know why *p1=1. Isn't digits inc...
[3 replies] Last: you can also increment pointers,since pointer p1 is an int it is 4 byt... (by adam2016)
by Hex213
Ofsteam leave brackets?
Hi, I need help with one problem. So, I need to make fstream not to be restricted by brackets. ..main.. { ... if(infile == true) { fstream f(path,...
[4 replies] Last: void foo( fstream & ); int main() { fstream f; foo( f ); } ... (by keskiverto)
Calculating stats in a 2D Array
Hello! I'm currently trying to understand the usage of two-dimensional arrays and am looking for some help in how to average out certain totals for specific ...
[2 replies] Last: Hello ContraCode92, Welcome to the forum. If you do not mind some ge... (by Handy Andy)
How can I run this program?
Hi! I'm trying to write a program to check whether a sentence ending with ‘.’ is a palindrome or not using isPalindrome function, and this is what i did but...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you so much for the explanation and for your time. I will try my... (by closed account 2vkE6Up4)
April 2018 Pages: 1... 678910... 25
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