Beginners - April 2018 (Page 7)

Functors Hi guys I am following the tutorial on functors above @2:55 he says you can call a functor a bit differently...
[8 replies] Last: i'm hinting at the compiler to create my Stuff object and then std::mo... (by icy1)
I need help in c++ program
I am Beginner in c++ and I want to make this program but I cannot so I want help ---Welcome in my TEXT PROCESSOR application--- ----------------Mohammad Ha...
[2 replies] Last: What part of it are you currently working on and what is your question... (by nicholascleveland)
Making a table with c++
Hi guys, I need to make a table with c++ like this ============================================= White Black ========================...
[8 replies] Last: Hello Jack Van Stone, Here is a different approach making use of kesk... (by Handy Andy)
THIS IS MY ASSIGNMENT: "You must create a "struct" named pets. It must have data members bool m_tail, bool m_fur, bool m_wings, and string m_name You...
[4 replies] Last: the function getline takes a string as it's second argument,so you can... (by adam2016)
Implementing methods to move elements from one stack to another ?
Hi. I have 3 stacks (bucket1, bucket2, barrel). I want to implement 3 methods that do the following: fill() - fills bucket1 or bucket2 with elements taken f...
[1 reply] : You'd just have another class to manage Stack(s). Can design it in di... (by icy1)
Soda Machine
Hello I need to create a code simulating a vending machine. I need my user to enter .05 .10, .25 and 1.00 and if they pay less than what the drink costs, the ma...
[2 replies] Last: By a quick glance, not providing the other functions and only the prot... (by nicholascleveland)
Parsing mathematical statements
Hi I'm writing some functions to parse mathematical functions. The below function is a function that takes in a string and the location of an operator (e.g. ...
[2 replies] Last: Hello rozick1, If you want to use a string stream as rjphares suggest... (by Handy Andy)
WIN32 getting last modified date's of specified path
So i got it to work on unix, but i really need it to work for windows instead. The code below will get all the files in the folder and print the last modified d...
[2 replies] Last: For Windows you can use the FirstFirstFile and FindNextFile function: ... (by Thomas1965)
[1 reply] : ico.hpp: #ifndef ICO_HPP #define ICO_HPP #include <string> class i... (by Enoizat)
Vector type compatibility issue
How do I go around the following Vector type compatibility error ? phung@UbuntuHW15:~/Documents/taylor$ g++ -g host.cpp -o host `pk g-config --cflags --libs o...
[6 replies] Last: To get around that error you need to define an actual struct, you cann... (by megatron 0)
LNK2019 Error. Using classes and arrays to create a cash register database DUE IN A FEW HOURS :(
I have an assignment to create a data base for a cash register. We are eventually supposed to use two classes but I was doing one at a time. I am just trying to...
[2 replies] Last: It looks like InventoryItem.cpp isn't propperly or at all added to you... (by coder777)
C++ airline flight
So I was given this problem and I'm not sure how to do the following. Could someone help me with this plz. Copa Airline has three planes with a capacity of 1...
[8 replies] Last: Gosh, that's amazing! It's the closest to what I think the problem ask... (by DigiLei)
by occvbs
NEEP HELP!! Income tax caculator
The code test show no error, but the result always come back zero. What did I do wrong? Can anyone give me some advise? This is the instruction and my code...
[2 replies] Last: I got it! Thank you very very much!!!! (by occvbs)
Bubble sort not working
The 'bubbleSort' function is meant to sort all the rows in the 'studentRecords' 2D array. However, it only sorts the 1st and 3rd rows. #include <iostream>...
[1 reply] : You need yet another loop outside of the usual double loop for bubble ... (by tpb)
Encryption/Decryption program issue
I think the getline on line 17 and 67 is incorrect because the program shows both the "Enter a message" and "Enter key" on the same line (when ran) and does not...
[3 replies] Last: Is it because you're reading choice with >> ? That leaves the newline ... (by tpb)
Revision binary Tree
Hey guys I am doing some revision on binary trees I found in an old book of mine,this is quite embarrassing but I guess no question is too small so with my ...
[3 replies] Last: although the code still works for some reason even without the keywor... (by tpb)
c++ need help moving cursor to edit command line graphics
Hey, I'm pretty new to coding. Since system("cls") causes my console to flash as it continually deletes and redraws graphics, I am trying to figure out how to c...
[no replies]
Dynamic Array Curiousity
I'm learning about Dynamic Arrays and I'm getting to programs that apply user input with them and have been practicing this; however, I would like to learn how ...
[9 replies] Last: I'm wondering why would anyone implement a dynamic array over a vecto... (by mbozzi)
Leap year question
Hello. Everything is working fine except for the fact that I receive only the correct day when I enter a leap year. For non-leap years, it is returning the wron...
[2 replies] Last: @tpb So I need to pass by reference: int getCenturyValue(int &year)... (by sethfrias)
reading txt with2D array then pass it to function
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { ifstream data; string filename; double array ; cout<<"Enter fil...
[7 replies] Last: the data file contains: Data.txt: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14... (by pistol kit)
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