Beginners - April 2018 (Page 4)

Method of Least Squares (Linear Regression Analysis)
Can someone help me with this setup
[no replies]
Time Limit Exceeded
I'm trying to get this code to run without the time limit error. (Solo learn android app compiler) It's obviously not too complex. 1 function, the main functio...
[2 replies] Last: Lines 14 and 16 are the same. I'm sure that isn't what you intended. (by dhayden)
replacing a letter with another.
I want to replace every letter “a” in a string with the letter “e”, and return the count of the number of “a”s that we changed. My main function is ...
[5 replies] Last: Test suite based on Thomas1965's setup. Took out default value #inc... (by icy1)
by beemo
can someone tell me whats wrong with my code. Im a beginner. i am to read from an input file and store them line by line with structures. i know this kind of lo...
[7 replies] Last: Name of the Employee: Nancy Price There is the chance that the inpu... (by Manga)
Destructor of a class is been called twice
The program below compiles and runs as it should. However the destructor is being called twice, and I can't figure out why? Can you take a look and help me? T...
[4 replies] Last: Oh, I see. Thank you for your help. I will try to keep that in mind ne... (by pavlkara1)
by Danjes
Simpson's Rule
My objective is to estimate the numerical integral method using trapezoidal or Simpson's rule for n numbers of interval ( let n = 2,4,6,8,....20) and output sho...
[5 replies] Last: [quote=Danjes]i have posted code in new window In future, please do... (by lastchance)
by Danjes
Simpson's Rule for nth number of interval
My objective is to estimate the numerical integral method using Simpson's rule for n numbers of interval and n = 2,4,6,8,....20) and output should be given in...
[1 reply] : Please @Danjes, DON'T START A NEW THREAD ON THE SAME TOPIC - it confus... (by lastchance)
Lottery Game App
Create a lottery game application. Generate ten (10) sets, with each set has 6 random numbers and each number is between 1 and 62. Requirements: (1) You nee...
[1 reply] : What is the problem ? Why the input ? The assignment says 10 sets. E... (by Thomas1965)
Display rank from txt file
Wrote some code to display rank of an entered name off of "babynames2012.txt." It compiles, but does not display anything. Tried passing by reference, but that...
[4 replies] Last: @tpb You're right. Makes sense how the break statements would take it... (by sethfrias)
Program Errors
Hey all, so I have this code right here but it's returning a fair amount of errors and I was wondering if I could have a couple more eyes to help me correct the...
[2 replies] Last: Always start with the first error, and look at the line number; the ac... (by Ganado)
by nearc
Quick Sort Don't know..
Hey, I need to program Quick Sort so it would sort 100,000 unsorted and reverse sorted elements, and time sort speed. The problem is- I am bad at programing, I...
[8 replies] Last: First step would be to create the two vectors and fill them. Try to d... (by Thomas1965)
Operator Overloaded My Brain
Found this practice exercise in a C++ book and haven't looked away from my computer in...let's not talk about it. Experiencing burn out. Take a look and help if...
[5 replies] Last: Syntax error: ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const rectangleType... (by icy1)
How to improve
Write your question here. Hi guys I have a small problem, right now I do not know how to improve. Let me explain better, the professor gives us slides and a b...
[1 reply] : Hello Vdani98, Welcome to the forum. It may be of some help to look ... (by Handy Andy)
First program troubles.
Hello all, absolute beginner here. My program compiles and runs just fine but it's not doing what it's supposed to do (namely taking user input) and I can't fig...
[3 replies] Last: That's a great help guys, I actually understand where I went wrong the... (by BigPotato82)
Getting a stack smashing detected when user puts in higher numbers
Hey guys. just a disclaimer this is a homework question. The program takes user input and the user sets an array size as well as the numbers in the array. I thi...
[2 replies] Last: int main() { int arraySize; int newArray ; //... } After ... (by icy1)
what is the use of single colon in c++.
i do not know what is the use of single colon in c++ and how to use it and where to use it. may one please tell me about it. I am placing a single line of code ...
[4 replies] Last: As per keskiverto's link, in something like class ComplexNumbers { p... (by icy1)
by nix215
Not sure how to use ReadData Function
We were asked to create a program that register user input into ReadData function and use the input to calculate present value, however,I am not sure what do I ...
[1 reply] : [quote=nix215]I am not sure what do I need to put in the body of the R... (by lastchance)
This is my updated program but it is telling me the file will not open. //Matthew HW9 #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> #include...
[11 replies] Last: What numbers does your input file contain ? Does it have any negative ... (by Thomas1965)
write() in some specific buffer data arrangement mechanism
Could anyone advise on or line 147 of the following coding ? this is not ...
[1 reply] : I have finished coding the R, G, B arrangement formatting mechanism, y... (by user123random)
by beemo
replacing the arrays by one array of structure
i have been scratching my head with practice for my exam tomorrow im trying to change these functions into structures but dont know how to pass the a...
[6 replies] Last: ok sorry i wasn't clear so in a previous example we were to read file... (by beemo)
April 2018 Pages: 123456... 25
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