by crackedice
Need help with understanding how to code
[9 replies] Last: Hello crackedice, I think using namedpsace:std is required at this p... (by Handy Andy)
by Elarionus
Changing class stats in another function?
[1 reply] : but I still have two more problems Optimist! :-) I’ve added comme... (by Enoizat)
by SwissPie
rng works on mac, but not windows?
[5 replies] Last: pick a pseudo-random number engine and seed it with a reasonable rand... (by Peter87)
by elayyan8
defining function to find match
[2 replies] Last: std::vector<const Person*> AddressBook::matches(std::string prefix) co... (by elayyan8)
by Moobman
Deleting item from prefetch / random characters behind filename
[2 replies] Last: I figured it out this way: { WIN32_FIND_DATAW fd; HANDLE hF... (by Moobman)
Structs and Functions, calculating min, max, average and proving true |
[no replies]
by aaroz
VBA/Pascal to C++
[9 replies] Last: Why not use p2c? Anyone used that recently? (by zaphraud)
by Jrinkley1011
Program keeps closing after the user inputs desired file name
[1 reply] : It's probably not opening the file, going into your else statement and... (by tpb)
how to print a matrix of 9x9 |
[4 replies] Last: A vector is basically a thin wrapper over an array. A vector of vector... (by Ganado)
by Simonbo
enter and isspace
[3 replies] Last: The reference page that you quoted is for the std::getline function wh... (by Peter87)
by jayiswhuuu
Dynamic array with random value - Sorting + value problem
[2 replies] Last: to sort you may want to look into sort (by d1g1talarts)
by Ryoka117
Issue passing 2-D array into a function
[1 reply] : cout<<check(board, 3)<<endl; check(board,3) is a function call... (by Repeater)
by Russderp
Please help fix
[3 replies] Last: Hello Russderp, Yesterday when I wrote the last message I was interru... (by Handy Andy)
by One Pea
Reading from file and output is a large blank space
[6 replies] Last: @Thomas1965, Thank you. Point noted. Somewhere I got the impression t... (by Handy Andy)
by appagio
resolution operator
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for all the replies giving me a better understanding of scope ... (by appagio)
by Echelon22
Recursion function
[1 reply] : Hello Echelon22, You should compile you code before posting. I have 2... (by Handy Andy)
by oloberiff
compare the input and the Top of stack
[1 reply] : (by lastchance)
by moo2401
operator overloading
[2 replies] Last: yeah but even with the change in container container2 was not affected... (by moo2401)
by BambiWithPMS
Overloading operator and Inheritance is confusing me!
[7 replies] Last: should I put the virtual method in public or private? Both print met... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by Bakenhuman
Keylogger (Educational purposes)
[3 replies] Last: Thank you FurryGuy and Jlb for help i understand all now and for diffr... (by Bakenhuman)