Beginners - April 2018 (Page 18)

PDF file download
I am looking for a simple way (hopefully html or php) to allow my website user to input a pdf filename, then be able to download or read that file.
[2 replies] Last: Here is a tutorial that shows how to send a .pdf file to the browser. ... (by Thomas1965)
dynamic pointers
Hello everyone, I'm asked to write a program copying an array into a dynamic pointer and I'm having trouble figuring out why in my for loop the pointer isnt wor...
[10 replies] Last: now that you have done it the brute force way, take a look at std::co... (by jonnin)
Single line file, split into variables by TAB.
This is going to be a simple question, but it needs a simple answer (i.e I don't know C++ beyond the simple). Please. I've inherited an old application to mana...
[7 replies] Last: G'Day rush2112, I could not use what you had given me do I came up wi... (by Handy Andy)
write image providing vector of coordinates
I have store some found pixel coordinates in a vector. Here, I am trying to write a new image, and paint any colour to its pixel coordinates (that matches the o...
[4 replies] Last: I've change the line to : if (<cv::Point>(k, l) == *z) I'... (by Glaucous)
Structure Arrays
My assignment is to use structures and arrays to read to a file containing a list of 30 students and storing their information into a structure array. It will t...
[2 replies] Last: Hello, You look like your on track with learning C++ but why not impr... (by danielmccarthy)
trying to devise a calculation
hi i need some help with this question For Valentine’s Day, Daisy’s Flower shop sells roses based on the following pricing structure: $15.00 per rose up...
[1 reply] : See (by lastchance)
Sales Report
i'm having some trouble with this question when i'm running the program, it asks me for the 1st salesman name and his total sales (great) but it doesnt prompt m...
[1 reply] : [quote=PharaohD]do i have any errors that are causing me to get this p... (by lastchance)
Parsing through delimited text file, increment not working for me
Hi there, I am to read a txt file about cars and without using structs or arrays, obtain the count for how many cars are made with a certain origin country, ...
[3 replies] Last: > Would there be a way to do this without using the string library? ... (by JLBorges)
store condition-matched pixels in vector
Hi people, I have been stuck with this for 2 weeks now. I am just not able to figure this out. I would appreciate any help, because I am devastated. I have a...
[6 replies] Last: Ouch, there is no suggestion being offered. Thank you dhayden for yo... (by Glaucous)
How can I make a dynamic 2d array?
Ok, so i'm trying to learn C++ through online tutorials and a little exploration of my own. I thought it might be neat to make a contact book that stores (only ...
[1 reply] : (by SamuelAdams)
by maryt
Floating Point exception (1,2)
This program accepts as an input a txt file which I explain below and tries to find the lcm. everytime it excludes an i and tries to find the minimum lcm, for ...
[26 replies] Last: thank you very much @lastchance for your time! You've been extremely h... (by maryt)
Assignment: Palindrome Checker Using Stack and Queues
The assignment is to write a program that does the following. You will need to define extra functions to complete some of these tasks such as the first two bul...
[5 replies] Last: As long as I can see, if you follow the assignment instruction, you sh... (by Enoizat)
by JCar
Stuck with a letter to alphabet assignment last
New to C++ I am writing a program that inputs a string of letters (e.g. 5 8 11 11 20 15 5 13 1 -1) and outputs its assigned capital alphabetic letter (FILLUP...
[6 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(... (by lastchance)
by zexiix
Find largest and smallest in array without sorting
Hi guys, I have wrote a program that allows users to enter item names and number of each item sold. One of the outputs i want to give is the most and least so...
[2 replies] Last: This is pretty good so far. For a new feature of a program, consider ... (by icy1)
Help with hash tables
Hello, I need to count the number of collisions I get when I use linear probing and quadratic probing. The problem is that the majority of the time I get result...
[1 reply] : its probably the nature of the hash function you are using which is th... (by jonnin)
friend help
I have to make CritterFarm a friend of Critter. I'm trying to make all the critters talk. So I'm trying to get the class critter talk function to work first ...
[10 replies] Last: ... and to follow up on icy1's suggestion - that allows you to define ... (by MikeyBoy)
Classes and inheritance
Hi, Im trying to do a program with classes and inheritance. Im not sure if i have misunderstood the whole thing with inheritance.. Make a class ”Pyrami...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you!!!! That was really helpful, I think i got it now :D Your... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
c++ voting
How do I make a program to read from a file of 100 people (Age, Residence code - C - Colón, Name, Identity card), calculate how much was the voting population ...
[5 replies] Last: [quote=DigiLei]Sorry for responding really late, but the output itself... (by icy1)
Scanning memory for a string / help
I'm not really expecting to be spoonfed any answers here, but i'd love to know why this wont proceed to scan other processes like explorer.exe, dwm.exe etc.. It...
[2 replies] Last: There must be a bypass to let you read all of memory at any location. ... (by jonnin)
by icy1
Recursive paths repeated (Buckets problem)
I got inspired by another recent post that was trying to solve a version of a classic Buckets problem. Given one bucket with capacity 5 Liters, and another wit...
[5 replies] Last: [quote=ne555]you're printing too late. let's say a=1, b=8 and you deci... (by icy1)
April 2018 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 25
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