Beginners - April 2018 (Page 16)

zipcode and checksum to barcode issue
Hey again, so I'm having trouble with this conversion of a zipcode to a barcode. I feel like this shouldn't be so hard but I've done so much reading and researc...
[1 reply] : Hello cmangum3, PLEASE ALWAYS USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting button... (by Handy Andy)
Assignment: Palindrome Checker Using Stack and Queues
I need help fixing my code. My output should be the following. Hello, world! : false A dog, a panic in a pagoda : true A dog, a plan, a canal, pa...
[no replies]
Vending Machine
Hello, I have to simulate a vending machine. I am showing an error here in user verification input. I want them to only enter 1-4. Also the quantity of bever...
[5 replies] Last: icy1, Thank you I tried your input and it works too. I am working on ... (by Anahuac18)
Need help with multiple conditions in if else if statements
This programming assignment is to create a guessing game where the user guesses two integers. I have a few bugs to work out but right now I am having one hell o...
[7 replies] Last: Make const strings for the messages, perhaps with newlines, so that th... (by icy1)
by maryt
can't read file into 2D array - c
I know my code has a lot of issues, but in the first place, I want to know this. For example, my code is named example.c. It takes as an input a txt file, lets ...
[3 replies] Last: you are absolutely right! I didnt think of that :/ Thank you very muc... (by maryt)
Passing 2D Array from one function to another?
So I'm trying to create a minesweeper game (but with gophers), and I have a function that creates a table and then another function that prints the table. The p...
[1 reply] : The game field should be a public object. For your purposes, that prob... (by Duthomhas)
Assignment: Palindrome Checker Using Stack and Queues
The assignment is to write a program that does the following. You will need to define extra functions to complete some of these tasks such as the first two bul...
[2 replies] Last: I think you pretty much have it. I guess your custom structures have ... (by icy1)
Shipping label code issue
Hey all, I'm pretty new to the programming world, and I need help with this one program. It requires that the user inputs their type of mail and calculates the ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh okay, I think I see what you're saying. This is what I have now for... (by cmangum3)
identifier is undefined
is anyone able to explain to me why line 22 and 23 give off the identifier is undefined, I dont understand it. I did everything the way it was intended and I ca...
[13 replies] Last: Hello newbstarter, I made the changes that have been suggested, same ... (by Handy Andy)
+= in for loop
Hello. Can someone explain to me why this code in the body of the for loop doesn't produce the sum of all numbers but only that of the first two? But when I w...
[6 replies] Last: It surely did! (by georgy90)
C++ Primer exercise
Hello. Can someone explain to me why the part with the total is not working properly? I tried a different approach and it worked but still can't figure out wha...
[5 replies] Last: Great. Let me know if you discover something more about the issue! Tha... (by georgy90)
Is it possible to pass a dynamic array back to main?
Hi, I'm recently studying the usage of dynamic array. I have figured out how to define a dynamically sized array and several ways to pass "INTO FUNCTION". The ...
[6 replies] Last: but isn't array A already a pointer (stores memory address) if you de... (by coder777)
I'm just not seeing it.
Write your question here. I do not see where my mistake is. When I run my program I get an error stating that numberIsPrime is not initialized. I tried to init...
[4 replies] Last: Hello AlexPlanks, I stand by what I said earlier. I changed the vari... (by Handy Andy)
by cotro
Passing funcion to pthread_create
Hello, I am currently playing with the pthread_create. I have a test function called void *abaco (void *threadid) that is used on pthread. However my inte...
[15 replies] Last: If you want to avoid interleaved output you need to synchronize the us... (by Peter87)
C++ struct coin purse console application (1,2)
Yes this is a HW assignment, NO I am not posting looking for answer, just a beginner that needs some guidance. 1.Create a structure Coin and a class Purse. A ...
[22 replies] Last: and yea conventional syntax (by anon001)
Problem using class increment and decrement operators
First let me start by saying that my code was too long for this post so down inbetween where it says >>START and <<END is where I put my increment and decrement...
[9 replies] Last: Seems the pattern going around is to implement pre- operators and then... (by icy1)
Dynamic Arrays w/Text Files
I've just learned about Dynamic Arrays and now I'm trying to read from a txt file into a dynamically allocated array. I was thinking I could include the number ...
[10 replies] Last: @Repeater In this context I was meaning "some kind of sensible, ap... (by girlscout)
Loop through board
Im trying to loop through a board and remove all letters except for a certain letter. Im getting an error and dont know how to fix it. for(int i =0;i<theBo...
[2 replies] Last: There's nothing on the other side of the comparator for the O... is th... (by zaphraud)
read text file and store them into arrays/vector
Hi , I am trying to read a text file and store the contents into members of a class called "profile" and display them. The text file contains the followings: ...
[9 replies] Last: [quote=ETlinny]However, code block doesn't seem to recognise #include ... (by icy1)
image loading
Hello, I would like to load the data of multiple .hdr extension files using Cimg library. I know how to load and display when there's is only one file. But I ha...
[1 reply] : Any time you want to repeat the same procedure over and over again, yo... (by MikeyBoy)
April 2018 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 25
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