by cmangum3
zipcode and checksum to barcode issue
[1 reply] : Hello cmangum3, PLEASE ALWAYS USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting button... (by Handy Andy)
by Cements
Assignment: Palindrome Checker Using Stack and Queues
[no replies]
by Anahuac18
Vending Machine
[5 replies] Last: icy1, Thank you I tried your input and it works too. I am working on ... (by Anahuac18)
by Mjimmie1
Need help with multiple conditions in if else if statements
[7 replies] Last: Make const strings for the messages, perhaps with newlines, so that th... (by icy1)
by maryt
can't read file into 2D array - c
[3 replies] Last: you are absolutely right! I didnt think of that :/ Thank you very muc... (by maryt)
by Elarionus
Passing 2D Array from one function to another?
[1 reply] : The game field should be a public object. For your purposes, that prob... (by Duthomhas)
by Cements
Assignment: Palindrome Checker Using Stack and Queues
[2 replies] Last: I think you pretty much have it. I guess your custom structures have ... (by icy1)
by cmangum3
Shipping label code issue
[2 replies] Last: Oh okay, I think I see what you're saying. This is what I have now for... (by cmangum3)
by newbstarter
identifier is undefined
[13 replies] Last: Hello newbstarter, I made the changes that have been suggested, same ... (by Handy Andy)
by georgy90
+= in for loop
[6 replies] Last: It surely did! (by georgy90)
by georgy90
C++ Primer exercise
[5 replies] Last: Great. Let me know if you discover something more about the issue! Tha... (by georgy90)
by sharque
Is it possible to pass a dynamic array back to main?
[6 replies] Last: but isn't array A already a pointer (stores memory address) if you de... (by coder777)
by AlexPlanks
I'm just not seeing it.
[4 replies] Last: Hello AlexPlanks, I stand by what I said earlier. I changed the vari... (by Handy Andy)
by cotro
Passing funcion to pthread_create
[15 replies] Last: If you want to avoid interleaved output you need to synchronize the us... (by Peter87)
by anon001
C++ struct coin purse console application (1,2)
[22 replies] Last: and yea conventional syntax (by anon001)
by Toasthat
Problem using class increment and decrement operators
[9 replies] Last: Seems the pattern going around is to implement pre- operators and then... (by icy1)
by girlscout
Dynamic Arrays w/Text Files
[10 replies] Last: @Repeater In this context I was meaning "some kind of sensible, ap... (by girlscout)
by fivestar
Loop through board
[2 replies] Last: There's nothing on the other side of the comparator for the O... is th... (by zaphraud)
by ETlinny
read text file and store them into arrays/vector
[9 replies] Last: [quote=ETlinny]However, code block doesn't seem to recognise #include ... (by icy1)
by ETlinny
image loading
[1 reply] : Any time you want to repeat the same procedure over and over again, yo... (by MikeyBoy)