Beginners - April 2018 (Page 15)

Needing to take Class Object from User.
Hello, the program I am writing takes an intiial menu selection, between class object Double and Integer, and then adds/subs/mul/divs based upon what the user h...
[7 replies] Last: The istream stuff for a custom class is usually for imitating the cons... (by icy1)
What happens if a multithreaded function uses non-multithreaded function ?
i.e prime_counter is used as multithreaded function std::thread first(prime_counter); std::tread second(prime_counter); and both of them uses a func...
[4 replies] Last: Each function has its own memory space, including multiple calls of t... (by dhayden)
while loop not exiting predictably or fulfilling statement at top
So, I have a loop that generates me a random maze. However, it never gets the the desired end. It reaches a random number of loops till the end and then quits w...
[4 replies] Last: I hate it when I'm stupid. Thank you so much. To bless you, here is a ... (by Hephaestus1233)
need help with c++ code
hello need some help with fixing this c++ app it parses the values from a txt file that has bytes and parses into database values I need the app to be alterd so...
[2 replies] Last: hi what do I modify it to as I don't know c++ do u have Skype ? can y... (by jakob26)
Beginner exercises:Pancake Glutton
Hi, cant figure this out. Instead of number which person eaten most pancakes i get number -858993460 This exercise is from this site: http://www.cplusplus....
[2 replies] Last: also the third loop does nothing, because the condition n >= 10; is ... (by icy1)
Array that holds pointers
This question has been asked plenty of time, yet for some reason, I cannot get it to work despite how many resources I read. I'm actually working on a hash stab...
[4 replies] Last: Just remember to delete myArray; when you're done, which should ca... (by icy1)
by Elshot
Storing transaction using vector and then recall that transaction
Is there anyone can do this for me I stuck in this assignment I'm getting more confuse doing it and I don't know what to do. Here it is. Requirement 1 The pr...
[1 reply] : Hello Elshot, Your other program (by Handy Andy)
Need help on Two Dim. Array
A company has three salespeople who sell five different products. Once a month, each salesperson passes in a slip for each type of product sold. Each slip cont...
[1 reply] : Just write an app that reads files with rows that look like "Salespe... (by icy1)
if, else, if nest incorrect output
Hey guys, question. I can't get the output to correctly display the cost of shipping based off of user input data. It's just displaying as zero. What am I doing...
[5 replies] Last: [quote=zaphraud]don't use float for currency. base everything on penn... (by icy1)
by Lanky
Need Help With Code
I'm not quite sure what to do here but it says that a was not declared for switch but as far as i can tell it is and it says it is expecting an initializer bef...
[6 replies] Last: Thank You, MikeyBoy for the advice and thanks to you for the code, but... (by Lanky)
Trying to make a tic tac toe game
Hello! I've struggled to make a solution to this but I can't seem to land on it. I've managed to research a way to print my board and get user input, but I ca...
[1 reply] : Create a while loop. In the loop get user input, a space on your board... (by Manga)
Array address
I need help with the array address. I turned in this code but my teacher sent it back to me saying "Instead of outputting the address of the arrays, you are out...
[4 replies] Last: Its a syntax thing. the name of the array is just like a pointer in m... (by jonnin)
I can't seem to get input validation for my tic tac toe game
I have been trying for hours, but the game won't stop looping the player O. That and it won't keep one player from overwriting their mark on another player on t...
[1 reply] : void switchPlayer(int player) { playerI(player); sBoard(); if(pla... (by Repeater)
by maryt
cant print a 2d array - c
maybe this is a very easy question but Im confused For example, my code is named example.c. It takes as an input a txt file, lets say txt.txt . I run the comm...
[8 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <st... (by lastchance)
by mnai
Debug Error abort() has been called
I tried debugging it when the error window came up by clicking continue and a breakpoint poped up at min = stoi(temp); which is in the Read Method. idk why thou...
[4 replies] Last: Ok, the next step is to find out why it didn't have a value. Probably... (by Thomas1965)
Work Count-Unix Utilities
Im running for this code but all I keep getting is 16 tests failed. I want to know how I can improve this code to include the -w -c -L -l options. ...
[1 reply] : Command line options are passed to program as arguments for main(). Th... (by keskiverto)
deque prime number
hello i have a question i need help using deque i have an object with my deque i been doing some research i see people do it with bool ,and using sieve of eran...
[1 reply] : What is the meaning of this 2 lines of code? (by coder777)
by Joe C
Help with Drill
I doing the first drill for chapter 8 in Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++. The drill is worded as such; "Create three files: my.h, my.cpp, a...
[4 replies] Last: Hello Joe C, Not having read the book yet I would wonder if part of t... (by Handy Andy)
Shopping Simulator or whatevs but I don't understand
I'm supposed to make a code that will "contain three arrays. One that contains 10 integer part numbers, one that contains 10 floating-point prices, and one that...
[1 reply] : Hello LilXeno, First your program would be a lot easier to read like ... (by Handy Andy)
Assignment Finding Average of Test Scores
For my code I have to have the user enter in 4 test scores from 5 different students and print the average, min, and max of each test. The problem I am having i...
[10 replies] Last: Any time. (by Handy Andy)
April 2018 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 25
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