Beginners - April 2018 (Page 12)

The bug of getting the word form the article(read txtfile)
Hello.I am trying to get the word from the article and count the frequency of each word.But there is a problem when I fscanf the txt file,the symbol ' – ',my ...
[1 reply] : Hello toby1a05, The program ran fine for me. I could not duplicate th... (by Handy Andy)
by wnp007
string::erase alternative
Is there any alternative for erasing a string character when using a loop and still manage to keep the last character? I'm trying to do this in a for loop in my...
[3 replies] Last: I actually figured that it's not the source of error in my code. Thank... (by wnp007)
common elements in array and vector
hello everybody moving on my attempt to program A* pathfinding, i came to a question. i have an array of 8 objects of a class called Node. this class have two i...
[5 replies] Last: thanks both of you, i think i'm getting close :D i tried mixing Enoiza... (by Stauricus)
by jcarbo
Visual Debugging
HI Folks, I have done some programming in the past, but I'm new to C++. Just starting out. I have typically used visual basic and excel vba. My question is w...
[1 reply] : Visual Studio is probably the best option on Windows and it comes with... (by Thomas1965)
array in c++
#include<iostream> using namespace std; main() { int i,j; int a ;int b ; for(i=0;i<=4;i++) { cin>>a ; } for(j=0;j<=4;j++) ...
[1 reply] : Arrays in C++ (and related) languages index from 0. So if you declare... (by lastchance)
Inheritance Problem Issue - getting a null return
The problem I am working on is the following: Design a class named Employee. The class should keep the following information:  name (s string)  id nu...
[1 reply] : I figured it out, here is my new code #ifndef lab10_h #define lab10... (by CoderParzival)
Help with using user input values of an array with constructors
I'm having trouble understanding what the issue is with my code. The error messages popping up state that, on line 53, the variable on the left of '.' needs to...
[1 reply] : You should have a class called Skateboard where Skateboard has 3 publ... (by rjphares)
Sequential Access Files Program
Creating a program that lets me save payroll amounts in a sequential access file using a loop. Once I have entered them all they should appear in the file, and ...
[5 replies] Last: The ios::app flag when opening a file for writing tells the program ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
out of range at memory location error
at line 59-60, my program always stops working says their is an error saying I am out of the range of memory location. What does this mean and why can't I outpu...
[4 replies] Last: There is no one answer to undefined behavior. Using an undefined vari... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Problem with pointer addition?
My program is mostly written, but the hardest part for me is the addition of 2 polynomials which are in a linked list. I'm trying to compare the powers of polyn...
[4 replies] Last: If you look at my code, I believe there is only one list. For each lin... (by Toasthat)
whats the code for this
Powerball® is a combined large jackpot game and a cash game. Every Wednesday and Saturday night at 10:59 p.m. Eastern Time, we draw five white balls out of a d...
[1 reply] : Hello sonia123, Welcome to the forum. The code starts off like this... (by Handy Andy)
Using Constructors to create an item listing
Hello, Below is my prompt and my attempt at fixing the problem. When trying to run my code, the following error messages pop up: LINE 53 expected an ident...
[2 replies] Last: I'm having trouble understanding what the issue is with my code now: ... (by juliabrushett)
Error: no match for call to (std::vector<char>) (int&)
I get this error inside all of the for loops for the multiArrayCipher function. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <fstrea...
[2 replies] Last: multiArrayOne(counter) is a function call. multiArrayOne accesse... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Column and Loop Error
I am having a problem of my output coming out lined up in a nice column. It's supposed to line up with each "S" in the sides. Also, if I iterate the loop anothe...
[3 replies] Last: You're welcome! It can be easy to get confused with nested loops. (by MikeyBoy)
Minesweeper program not working, and I'm unsure why
I'm trying to make a minesweeper program, but with gophers instead, and I'm struggling to get it to work. It was working before I added the reveal function, and...
[4 replies] Last: Delete it, that should be an option available to you. Better is check... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
C++ sequences
Hi guys, I am writing this post, not to ask for an answer to a question, but to ask for questions. I have a test on C++ this Wednesday, and I need to practice...
[6 replies] Last: Take a look at project euler: (by coder777)
by abir50
counting prime divisors
Trying to count prime divisors, tried doing it based on something i did before but it's wrong...... I just don't understand when for or while loop gets a little...
[5 replies] Last: prime factorization has dupes. 8 is just 2*2*2 do you want an answer ... (by jonnin)
Menu or Gameplay first ?
This is a question about game development. I am wondering if I should implement the gameplay first or the menu first. I usually implement the gameplay first for...
[1 reply] : no matter what you are building it is really helpful to be able to cal... (by jonnin)
The Use of Boolean values In sorting (C++)
THIS IS NOT A POST TO HELP ME WITH ANY KIND OF HOMEWORK Hi guys, I really can't understand the use of Boolean values in sorting. I feel that some part of the...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you (by Jack Van Stone)
Sending a pointer to a function using classes
I am doing an assignment and I can not figure out pointers. We are required to send a pointer to the function displayEmployee(), but I am only getting one array...
[1 reply] : Please post the entire error message. Line 47/48 is wrong. Change to:... (by coder777)
April 2018 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 25
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