by toby1a05
The bug of getting the word form the article(read txtfile)
[1 reply] : Hello toby1a05, The program ran fine for me. I could not duplicate th... (by Handy Andy)
by wnp007
string::erase alternative
[3 replies] Last: I actually figured that it's not the source of error in my code. Thank... (by wnp007)
by Stauricus
common elements in array and vector
[5 replies] Last: thanks both of you, i think i'm getting close :D i tried mixing Enoiza... (by Stauricus)
by jcarbo
Visual Debugging
[1 reply] : Visual Studio is probably the best option on Windows and it comes with... (by Thomas1965)
by rkreddy
array in c++
[1 reply] : Arrays in C++ (and related) languages index from 0. So if you declare... (by lastchance)
Inheritance Problem Issue - getting a null return |
[1 reply] : I figured it out, here is my new code #ifndef lab10_h #define lab10... (by CoderParzival)
Help with using user input values of an array with constructors |
[1 reply] : You should have a class called Skateboard where Skateboard has 3 publ... (by rjphares)
by Databend
Sequential Access Files Program
[5 replies] Last: The ios::app flag when opening a file for writing tells the program ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by mrphilipp7
out of range at memory location error
[4 replies] Last: There is no one answer to undefined behavior. Using an undefined vari... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by Toasthat
Problem with pointer addition?
[4 replies] Last: If you look at my code, I believe there is only one list. For each lin... (by Toasthat)
by sonia123
whats the code for this
[1 reply] : Hello sonia123, Welcome to the forum. The code starts off like this... (by Handy Andy)
Using Constructors to create an item listing |
[2 replies] Last: I'm having trouble understanding what the issue is with my code now: ... (by juliabrushett)
by One Pea
Error: no match for call to (std::vector<char>) (int&)
[2 replies] Last: multiArrayOne(counter) is a function call. multiArrayOne accesse... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by mudkipsss
Column and Loop Error
[3 replies] Last: You're welcome! It can be easy to get confused with nested loops. (by MikeyBoy)
by Elarionus
Minesweeper program not working, and I'm unsure why
[4 replies] Last: Delete it, that should be an option available to you. Better is check... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
C++ sequences |
[6 replies] Last: Take a look at project euler: (by coder777)
by abir50
counting prime divisors
[5 replies] Last: prime factorization has dupes. 8 is just 2*2*2 do you want an answer ... (by jonnin)
by Flaze07
Menu or Gameplay first ?
[1 reply] : no matter what you are building it is really helpful to be able to cal... (by jonnin)
The Use of Boolean values In sorting (C++) |
[5 replies] Last: Thank you (by Jack Van Stone)
by Jrinkley1011
Sending a pointer to a function using classes
[1 reply] : Please post the entire error message. Line 47/48 is wrong. Change to:... (by coder777)