Beginners - April 2018 (Page 10)

Taking a single dimension array from a user
I am trying to take an array size from a user, take the array elements from the user, and then print it, but for some reason, taking the inputs from the user in...
[2 replies] Last: Delete/comment out line 14. You are creating a 2 dimension array from... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Insertion Sort Question
Hi! I am trying to count the number of comparisons and assignments using insertion sort ONLY but the program I am using is telling me that the count is wrong. C...
[4 replies] Last: jonnin, yes it does sort it. (by mysiarobin1987)
Lottery quick pick program
I have been trying to get this program to work for a while now and I cant figure out why on line 22 the error is 'too few arguments in function call'. Also in l...
[3 replies] Last: So i got the code to run but now when I enter a number between 1-5 it ... (by JethroA7)
by nearc
sort algorithms
Hi, I could really use some clues how to program this task. I'm bad at programing, so I have no idea where to start. task: Which of the matching algorithms you...
[2 replies] Last: Hi nearc, How fast these algorithms are... When very few elements are... (by punksheep)
why this not giving me the right total?
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // start brace int sum; int num; //------------ { cout <<"\nPlease enter a number:" << endl; ...
[1 reply] : Hi samtheman, You may wish to define your variable sum and not just d... (by punksheep)
Reading and Decoding from Text File
Hello, Below I have a set of code created to fulfill the following prompt. I have kind of squeezed together two sets of code that I started but am having trou...
[7 replies] Last: Hello juliabrushett, As a start line 49 is wanting to print the varia... (by Handy Andy)
win counter has stopped working.
Why is it when you try and fix one issue another issue seems to appear? my win counter has been working fine for the last two days and now has suddenly decided...
[1 reply] : //-----------------------------------------------------EXPERT ENDS--... (by binaary)
gauss vector
I gotta implement gauss's elimination method using vectors starting off with this example code I've already started working on. My main question is where would ...
[4 replies] Last: How would i call loadit::gauss in main? #include <iostream> #in... (by paul314)
Browse and copy image to a specific folder
Hi, i was wondering if anyone can help me with copying photo from one location to another, i was looking on yt and googling and there are many videos on this to...
[2 replies] Last: alternatively you can do it with OS commands and some C++ glue. in wi... (by jonnin)
Help with remove and shifting elements
My output is not printing out correctly and I think it has something to do with my deleteElement function, but I cannot figure out what the problem is. I have p...
[2 replies] Last: In addition to ne555's comments, you need to move line 59 to 49: you s... (by dhayden)
Download Power BI dashboard report in Java
Hi, folks, I work with a data scientist who uses Power BI to publish reports (essentially just a grid of text fields) on a web dashboard. For some of the repor...
[1 reply] : Is it possible to get my Java application to directly download the CS... (by coder777)
Adding POW?
I'm trying to calculate the square of an odd number using POW, but for some reason it wont work? Any suggestions? #include <iostream> #include <cmath> ...
[7 replies] Last: even pow is not awesome for small integer powers. use x*x for squares... (by jonnin)
by Rahain
Update Array from a get call
My main code is: vectD3.front() = '{'; vectD3.back() = '}'; I need to write code to make that above code change the array from [A, B, C, D, E...
[1 reply] : T& front() return a reference so you may modify the element.... (by ne555)
payRoll system
I want to write a program enable the users perform which are adding, deleting employees, and/or displaying data of one or all employees, and computing total com...
[3 replies] Last: Hello MuhammadYoussef, This may take awhile. I will start at the top... (by Handy Andy)
by Rahain
Writing my own Vector Class
I'm attempting to write my own vector class for an assignment. Been going through the text book for hours and its just not explained very well how to use Templa...
[1 reply] : When getting a long list of errors you should always start looking at ... (by Peter87)
Classes and Objects - Help please
I'm learning how to work with classes and objects, however I'm having issues with comprehending what to do. I get the fundamentals like what classes are, the me...
[1 reply] : add(...) would look like this: Dollars Dollars::add(Dollars other){ //... (by coder777)
by lm34
simple array
I'm trying to do input validation with this array. I do not want the user to enter a negative number. However, with the way I wrote it, it will compile and when...
[2 replies] Last: aw. thank you. sometimes its the smallest things. (by lm34)
What am I doing wrong
I can't seem to find what is giving me errors. Any help will be appreciated. (Header.h) #ifndef CONSTANTS_H #define CONSTANTS_H namespace constants ...
[1 reply] : Don't put what are essentially local variables in your constants names... (by tpb)
reading data from a file using classes
I have to read in the first name last name and age of a person from an input file that reads: Moses Horwitz 77 Moe Howard 77 Samuel Horwitz 60 Shemp Howard ...
[1 reply] : Hello mdelellis, Normally I would complain about the while condition ... (by Handy Andy)
Helps on poker program
Write a program that will operate on a deck of 52 cards. Your program will: 1. Deal them into four random hands of 5 cards each a. The four hands need to be k...
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April 2018 Pages: 1... 89101112... 25
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