Beginners - April 2017 (Page 9)

Need Help with Error C2679
Hello, I'm trying to compile my program however every time I do I get errors on lines 19, 47, 81,91, 112, 119. With error code C2679. Now I do have <string> ...
[3 replies] Last: Hello user1235, Your welcome. Now that you have mentioned it I have... (by Handy Andy)
by ST0995
2 dimensional array problem
I'm doing a pretty tedious code that involves using 2d arrays, however I'm really not sure how to make the actual columns for the array, especially since they a...
[2 replies] Last: Alright thank you I will give it a shot. (by ST0995)
by Aandb1
Function for dynamic array
Hello, my program is currently error free but I must have made a mistake with the pointers or something as it 's crashing when compiling. The program is suppose...
[1 reply] : Your logic is far to complicated. Also using meaningful names makes it... (by Thomas1965)
'Multiple definition of' g++ compiler error
Hi all, I have 2 .cpp files and 1 header (.h) file. I have an array which is used in both .cpp files. Hence, I have declared and initialised it in the header ...
[4 replies] Last: Hi Enoizat, Thanks for the advice. I managed to remove the need to de... (by DoodleDoo)
by Doe
Output leaderboard through txt file
Hello I am trying to output a leaderboard from my text file and it seems to not be working but spewing out random letters any ideas? The text file "Leaderboa...
[3 replies] Last: Hello Doe, I think I figured out the problem. char textFileLetters... (by Handy Andy)
Help with code
Write a function to compute and return the value of the sum. Assume that the value of n is an argument of the function. s = 1 + 3 + 5 + . . . + (2n − 1) Th...
[5 replies] Last: The OP has been edited, I remember quite well there was a request for ... (by gunnerfunner)
by mounir
Basic openGl shader class issue
hi, the problem is a code review and not just an openGL related. I can't explain the problem in brief so here is the class code and the main() function and i'll...
[no replies]
Car Instrument Simulator
I got an error on line 44: fatal error: FuelGauge.h: No such file or directory How can I fix this error? Also, I would really appreciate if you tell me other ...
[1 reply] : Hi There file you are referring is header file, #include "FuelGauge.h... (by xxvms)
Adding event handlers C++ builder
I'm using C++ Builder XE8, The TWebbrowser component doesn't have an OnCreate or OnShow events, at least not on the IDE with the other events like "OnNaviguateE...
[no replies]
How do I reference this?
"1. Read the rainfalls: Prompt for and get the input file name and try to open the file. If the file opens, read the rainfalls from the file, store them into t...
[1 reply] : "1. Read the rainfalls: Prompt for and get the input file name and tr... (by Thomas1965)
by Nico
Recommended way to share data with threads
Hello, I have a que of zero or more pointers. Pointers are added to this que automatically. Each pointer leads to a message. There is a thread that process...
[8 replies] Last: If you think that works for you, ... fine. But, it doesn't seem to me... (by kbw)
Open txt file with c_str()
Hello, everyone! It's my first post on this forum~! And I'm new to C++. I did look for solutions from previous posts to my question, but I failed to find one. ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh it's about const string!! It works now!! Thanks!! (by karlemange)
Multiplication Table
After figuring out how to create a multiplication table using arrays--thanks to a post online--I was able to create a table myself; however, I need the table to...
[2 replies] Last: That's my first time hearing about setw, thank you for informing me ab... (by eRamirez97)
by Rale
Calculating the sum with for loop
I don't know what to do after this... Can you help me little bit? int n, i, s; cout << "How much do you want to count the sum of?\n"; cin >> n; ...
[2 replies] Last: ok @Oriol Serrabassa i put sum = 0 and it worked with sum; the result... (by Rale)
student information
i want to store information of student why this not working properly code below down here.. #include<iostream> using namespace std; struct node { ...
[2 replies] Last: this is a college programming excercise. you must do these simple prog... (by eec)
Looping Problem
I need to write a program that manipulates the list of players in different teams. I'm not allowed to use arrays. A: adds a new player I: shows details a...
[3 replies] Last: I updated the code. It now shows this Team code #ofPla... (by rockandrollhead)
Help! Factorial problem
Write a function to compute and return the value of the sum. Assume that the value of n is an argument of the function. s = x − x^3/3! + x^5/5! − x^7/7! + ...
[1 reply] : Input a value of x and a value of n. Set double variables s = x (to h... (by lastchance)
by Rale
can you solve this task?
Can you help me with this task? Thank you! text of the task Entries are integers while zero is inputted. Write a program that shows how the entered numbers,...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry man, I did it! int n , i; for(i=0; i<=300; i++){ ... (by Rale)
Is there any problem with my compiler?
I don't understand what is wrong with my code in here. I have created a function called pause() where everything seems okay but the compiler is catching errors....
[11 replies] Last: @JLBorges This is the very first time that I chance upon an example of... (by Enoizat)
by Sentoo
2D Array
Hi there, I would like to receive some help and directions on how to start writing code for this particular project. I am completely new and would really wan...
[7 replies] Last: @TarikNeaj Thank you so much for the help! The program is working as ... (by Sentoo)
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