by Meden
Download txt file
[2 replies] Last: I'm sorry, I may need some further clarification. szUrl is the dow... (by Meden)
by Bluexorcist
calling function into main.
[4 replies] Last: thanks! that worked (by Bluexorcist)
by JulianV304
bubble sort issues
[4 replies] Last: std::swap is in <algorithm>, so OK. Oooops! Terrible bloop! :$ Thank... (by Enoizat)
by sara1411
passing 2D array to a function using double pointers?
[1 reply] : Here is a start to how you can declare you dynamic 2D array and pass i... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by tom457
Purpose of Bool Function
[8 replies] Last: Using a function that returns bool (or int) would make the code cleane... (by boost lexical cast)
by Chamat
Removing leading zeroes from an array of integers
[11 replies] Last: Since you're using a fixed length array, you can't remove the digits. ... (by dhayden)
by Lockfiction
Write a program to read 4 numbers and find the maximum, the minimum and average.
[2 replies] Last: thanks (by Lockfiction)
by LjSpike
Creating a Window (Win10)
[8 replies] Last: I'll bear that in mind. It's probably best to use Win32 then, just to ... (by LjSpike)
by Drakk
Struct arrays and functions to print them
[4 replies] Last: That's amazing, i can almost see how it works....I will try to use thi... (by Drakk)
by ExSanity
Close a window instead of minimizing it!
[1 reply] : You can try SendMessage() with WM_CLOSE. (by integralfx)
by slim4337
Write a program that works in the same fashion as a message composer in the old mobiles.
[no replies]
by pdgaming
How do I output my code correctly?
[2 replies] Last: I don't know why, but my code keeps crashing my compiler. I am using a... (by pdgaming)
by rufi0h
While loop when opening a file
[7 replies] Last: Just to make it easier to read :+) It's an important concept. Another... (by TheIdeasMan)
Need help with the Knight Tour problem |
[1 reply] : Well, first you will have to figure out how it works on a chess board.... (by SamuelAdams)
by ST0995
Raise the first digit to the power of the second digit.
[7 replies] Last: Thanks that helps a lot! (by ST0995)
by esokoletsky
Max & Min
[1 reply] : Try it, test it, see if it works. Spoiler, it doesn't. First, you are... (by joe864864)
by tayloras96
Reading file into a Array
[no replies]
by bamboojack
BST balance
[1 reply] : In your CheckHeightAndRotate, you need to add a while loop right after... (by Lord Razgriz)
by hsv8962
stuck with the functions
[4 replies] Last: i tried the option for when the two players are tie and then they ne... (by AbstractionAnon)
by artrox
Simple tree structure using vectors. Looking for feedback
[no replies]