by Boanc
How to save / load in a RPG Game ?
[12 replies] Last: I did it like you said with remove from <cstdio> ... It worked thanks ... (by Boanc)
by kinley
Compiler error while using Dll
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much. It worked. (by kinley)
by takaflaka
[2 replies] Last: ...and none of those errors result in any C++ exceptions being thrown ... (by Cubbi)
turn string 90 degrees (1,2) |
[25 replies] Last: Nice, a lot of different tricks in this thread. I was hung up on the... (by jonnin)
by MorrAndSo
New to programming
[3 replies] Last: Thanks! It worked! :D (by MorrAndSo)
by Nomarr2
Need for homework
[10 replies] Last: Well informing while looking around the internet I found some stuff th... (by Nomarr2)
Assignment operator overloading error (no viable overloaded operator) |
[17 replies] Last: @JLBorges Thank you. (by avillageofbigheads)
by s222571
[3 replies] Last: Why don't you try something yourself - see how you go ? (by TheIdeasMan)
by MisterTams
How to convert int to Month and Year?
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <iomanip> int main() {... (by JLBorges)
by kiro0318
MySQL API error
[1 reply] : You have a function res inside main, which is not allowed. Also main m... (by Thomas1965)
by hussain123
finding whether the word ispreviously present in file data.txt or not
[2 replies] Last: If you are looking for a particular word, read each word one-by-one fr... (by lastchance)
by Ponvo
Linked Lists, how do I implement a composed class as data for a node in an ordered linked list.
[9 replies] Last: Awesome!! Thanks JLBorges. I have fixed the issue with the ==... (by Ponvo)
by ohsimplyme
How to proceed?!?!
[3 replies] Last: why is #include<fstream> being used if there isn't a file being read ... (by gunnerfunner)
by pdgaming
Minesweeper Basic Board Output
[16 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <alg... (by JLBorges)
by Sentoo
2D Arrays
[1 reply] : Declare 2 additional arrays: int rowCounter {};//array elements init... (by gunnerfunner)
Stacks working with Classes |
[2 replies] Last: thank you :D I did try looking through but i think i got myself a bit... (by Chronic Arrow)
by MisterTams
Converting int value to English translation
[1 reply] : At line 39 you «Take care numbers less than a 100.». There, in your ... (by ne555)
by HappyS5
Reading a file of integers
[6 replies] Last: Thanks. I discovered that some of the negative numbers and the symbols... (by HappyS5)
by ghostk91
Not declared in this scope?
[1 reply] : int P VelY; error: ' p VelY' was not declared in this scope Good L... (by TheIdeasMan)
stacks will not work |
[4 replies] Last: @ fantomasAlbania Having using namespace std; is not recommended.... (by TheIdeasMan)