Beginners - April 2017 (Page 15)

Help with a card game program
I am having tonnes of issues trying to create a blackjack game. I have been searching for hours and have found no resources which create a blackjack game to my ...
[1 reply] : I have been searching for hours and have found no resources which cre... (by Thomas1965)
by xxvms
Hi there :) I am learning about classes and there are certain things I am not sure. One of this is that I wanted to check, if I create a class for example C...
[7 replies] Last: TheIdeasMan - I am guessing you are located in sunny Australia then? :... (by xxvms)
Variable output Filename
Hi, i have no idea how C++ works and i never used it before. This is the problem: I have multiple files which i need to split (for example input1 and input 2)...
[1 reply] : Hello WesMekes, I am not familiar with this type of code, but you mig... (by Handy Andy)
Bubblesort and using array
Write a C++ program that will • Ask the user how many whole numbers they wish to enter (max 20) • Read that many numbers • Print them in the order the...
[1 reply] : Ask the user how many whole numbers they wish to enter (max 20) thi... (by gunnerfunner)
by ebii
Help with small project
hey pepole i will be glad if someone can direct me if iam doing it good iam not asking the slution just tips to make a good program . i need to make 2 class...
[3 replies] Last: OK, here is how you handle char instead of <string>, plus a small tes... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Help with program
I am trying to figure out where in my code I have made a mistake. It will only allow me to enter data for North. I am needing to be able to enter it for South, ...
[1 reply] : What I suggest you do is make a small test program to concentrate just... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
windows form application help
[1 reply] : First you need to double click on the button. This will create a event... (by Thomas1965)
by wolfv
How to set initialize size of std::vector?
Write your question here. I am attempting to use vector "fill constructor" to push_back 4 instances of Map. But got a compile error on the last line below. ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks JLBorges, that compiled nice! (by wolfv)
Help with program.
Rules of the game are basically to see whose die had the higher roll. The code works fine with the exception of when the die roll happens the program SOMETIMES...
[6 replies] Last: Ended up doing it slightly different, but thank you for the help! (by Kelsier)
Program only works with single digit numbers
Program only works correctly with single digit numbers. When I enter numbers with more than one digit, the second input is skipped. Please help! #includ...
[1 reply] : When I enter numbers with more than one digit, the second input is sk... (by gunnerfunner)
cout flushes buffer without endl , ends or flush
i know that cout doesn't flush its buffer unless the function terminates or we use cin or we use manipulator like endl , ends , unitbuf or flush. but when i wr...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks to @cire, I found this link, which claims: ... The standard in... (by mbozzi)
Program Skips Second Input
My code skips the second input and uses the second digit from the first input as the input for the second input. Any idea how to fix this? #include<iostre...
[4 replies] Last: I am using it to troubleshoot a small aspect of a larger and more usef... (by rosscoder101)
by const
Concatenating array of chair pointers to form sentences - Segment Faults
So I am writing a program, which I have been instructed to use arrays of pointers to chars and cannot use strings, which would make my life a lot easier. Anyway...
[1 reply] : Your temp variables have garbage values since your generate function... (by cire)
issue with void function
Write your question here. Hello, I am new to coding and am having an issue with the void function in this code. I am getting an error for the calcPayment functi...
[6 replies] Last: Also, In response to your question, the difference between creditPayme... (by eRamirez97)
Help with "undeclared identifier" error when calling class function
I cannot figure out why I'm getting the "undeclared identifier" error when I call the last two class functions that I've created. Can anyone spot my error? I wo...
[1 reply] : You have declared maxMinTotal and sortV as non-static member functions... (by Peter87)
How to create border around function?
so currently, I have a program that prints out @**** **@** *@*** ***** @@*** and I need to add a border around it to make it look something like this //...
[3 replies] Last: nevermind, I figured it out. I just called a cout function with "0 1... (by pdgaming)
by sri448
Program To Print First n Primes Using A Function
I have an assignment to print the first n primes, where n is a number entered by the user. (It's a utility program so no prompts for entry are required). I'm ma...
[1 reply] : You only need one loop (the one at line 26. Remove lines 31 & 37 (by dhayden)
Help with Reverse Linked List Function
Hello, I need some help on a function I am writing to return a new linked-list which is the current one reversed. This code is given as a starting point f...
[no replies]
help please with graphics
hello i been trying a lot to figure out what should i do i have this so far and it a window that shows five buttons which are the difficulty levels. but my p...
[2 replies] Last: Any help? (by inter08)
by cbambi
Trouble with queues in a winsock server
Hi, so I am creating a multi threaded server which should let multiple clients join. When the client limit is reached it should put all clients that join into a...
[1 reply] : This is my client code #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windo... (by cbambi)
April 2017 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 34
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