Beginners - April 2016 (Page 41)

Connect standard c++ application with Qt
For a project at school, we have to develop a C++ application with a QT GUI interface. The "text mode" application is completed and works fine and so is the GUI...
[no replies]
why this code is not working ??
i am using visual C++ 2010 i m having just one error i want user to enter inputs model and color and then it will pass to a public variable and public member fu...
[3 replies] Last: now edited the code tell me what to put inside array braces while pass... (by themohal)
Converting pounds and ounces to kilograms and grams
Any advice as to even how to start this problem would be greatly appreciated. I am not even sure that I have the correct headers for my functions and I am comp...
[8 replies] Last: You got 602.562 grams because you used kilograms = pounds / 2.2406; ... (by PBachmann)
Help me understand (headers)
Ok so I just started working with making classes into files. Working on a friend operator I came into a problem, headers in .h files. For some reason when I add...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much Zhuge, this is an amazing amount of help! (by codewarlock)
by Pie
Structure Help
In this program, i need to input student particulars eg. Name, sex, exam results. So i have used structure to input information with the help of functions. How...
[2 replies] Last: I managed to do it. Thank you sir! (by Pie)
Question and Answers
Hi everyone, Can i know how to create a Question and Answer program. The output must be something like:- What's your favorite food: a)Pasta b)Burge...
[1 reply] : This site is not a homework service. If you have code with a specific ... (by Zhuge)
int* find(int* first, int* limit, int value); Returns: Returns a pointer to the first object in [first, limit) whose value is equal to value. Returns limit i...
[1 reply] : You'll want to do something similar to print(); iterate over the range... (by Zhuge)
algorithm help
So I have to implement this algorithm void print(int* first, int* limit); , and output the first and last elements in the array with a space character between...
[2 replies] Last: The first and last limit are supposed to be 1 and 5. So how would i ju... (by closed account i8bjz8AR)
running total issues
my code is acting like a hydra... get rid of one problem, 2 more take its place. if i put in one order of each variable its fine but if i do any combo that leav...
[5 replies] Last: and there was no warnings from the compiler. I am sure I answered t... (by TheIdeasMan)
by sal7
double x=5/2 = 2 but not 2.0?
hi, my question is the following: double numb_1; numb_1=5/2; cout<<"num_1="<<numb_1<<endl; the result I get is 2, but I thought that the resu...
[8 replies] Last: Ah, the question is about what is shown to user (by default) by the os... (by keskiverto)
typedef with function pointers
Hi Am trying to understand usage of typedef with function pointers, if it at all possible that is? I am getting the following error for the code below: ...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> struct individual_app { char i_name ; int i... (by JLBorges)
SFML coded in XCode portable in Windows?
2 days ago, my class had a group project. For my group, we were asked to do an application and in the group, I was assigned with developing the graphics. I'm re...
[1 reply] : Xcode is just the IDE. What matters more is if you use operating syste... (by Ganado)
by dute2
Bead sort
i need some one to explain this code. how does this unsigned character pointer working code line "bead(i,j)=0". how does it working #include "stdafx.h"...
[1 reply] : At line 13, calloc allocates space for max*len bytes. It returns a vo... (by dhayden)
auto versus non-auto for function ptr?
Hi I'm attempting to try and understand the difference between auto and the non-auto declaration for a pointer to a function that in turn returns a pointer-to...
[4 replies] Last: Hi thanks for pointing out the memory locations. I am studying C++ a... (by bluefrog)
by Eva599
C++ Array
Write your question here. Hi, There is a sequence of numbers , I have to count these items average.If element is bigger than the series average, element should...
[1 reply] : Please use code tags. Edit your post, highlight the code and click the... (by dhayden)
how to start an .exe file using my c++ code?
how do i open an external program and close it from using c++ ? #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <cstdio> #include <fstream> #include <string...
[2 replies] Last: thanks solved by system ("START C:\\abc\\xyz.bat"); // and rest of t... (by bigduck)
by M Ma
Loop help!
Hello everyone! I was wondering if any of you could help me with fixing my code. I want to be able to get the triangle to show 3 times next to each other,...
[3 replies] Last: study this ... (by bigduck)
very basic problem u can help me in a glance.
i want to read last line of the file the name of file is stored in another file. "output.txt" have lines, the last line of "output.txt" have the name of 2nd f...
[8 replies] Last: thank you so much @coder777. problem solved. (by bigduck)
Loop Help
I'm wondering how I get a message to repeat over and over again if a certain condition is true/false. In the project I'm working on, if the fill rate of the hos...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you so much! (by CopaceticCoffee)
Looking for static boolean using numcall tutorial
Looking for static boolean using numcall tutorial, if you can shed any light or lead me to a tut it would be much appreciated
[3 replies] Last: wont accept unsigned ? Ill get it just can't find documentation. (by miah612000)
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