Beginners - April 2016 (Page 27)

needing help with converting
trying to convert to a do loop and a for loop having a hard time with the do loop anyone have any suggestions? int number = 99; while (...
[1 reply] : All you need to do is take your code within your while loop and then m... (by tehHuzzlenut)
Receiving and splitting input from user
Hello, I am writing a code that will take in a string input from a user that will be read by my compiler to do as the string says. (ex. to create a rectangle, ...
[no replies]
by Argus
Can someone help me figure out a memory problem with my algorithm?
I asked this question in another C++ board, but I didn't really understand what they told me. So I would like to ask in here to see what I can do. I'm reading C...
[6 replies] Last: I see, thank you very much for your help. I will proceed to fix it the... (by Argus)
How to convert this to use functions, instead of hard code
How would I go about converting the follow code from a former project, into a system that imports information from the hard drive? (I.E Read the txt files that ...
[1 reply] : Something like this? #include <iostream> #include <string> #include... (by AbstractionAnon)
by HG319
Inserting element in vector of vector of type class
I have a vector<class>v1 and vector<vector<class>> v2; I ask the user how many vectors they need then insert like this for(int i=0;i<=input;i++){ v2.p...
[2 replies] Last: for(int i=0; i<=printers ; i++) { v2.push_back(v1); } I see tw... (by AbstractionAnon)
Using Array To Hold Five Class Members
I want to use an array to hold five vehicle class members. Am I writing the array correctly?
[2 replies] Last: vehicle .setALL("Unicycle", 1, 1, 80); and etc. This is how I ended up... (by joshuatz)
by Danky
Need help returning an index of a vector
Ok so what this does is puts in crimes of non violent, violent, and domestic crimes. Part of this is finding the max and min each and then print out the name of...
[2 replies] Last: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! (by Danky)
Linked List Selection Sort duplicating value
This is for an assignment which involves using selection sort to sort a linked list. The linked list nodes consist of another object, Person, and a next poin...
[6 replies] Last: You're welcome. I would double check on the requirement to perform a f... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
by enesdl
Setting string to set number of charecters
Hello, I have some homework and I needed some help with finishing my code. The question is this: Create a program that reads a text file, named intext.txt, a...
[6 replies] Last: Hello so quick update I am able to make each sentence a set number of ... (by enesdl)
Basic math always returning a value of "0"
Hey guys, I'm sure I'm making a silly error somewhere, but every time I run my code, I'm getting back "0" and I can't figure out why. Whenever I do the same cal...
[2 replies] Last: I see that you are trying to calculate totalZ on line 4, before the ... (by Moschops)
by mmgh
Unknown data type
Hello, I have defined a new data type in MyClass, but the compiler complains when I use that data type for the getter function definition. This is my code ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much. The problem is solved. (by mmgh)
Putting 2 points in to point-slope form
I am attempting to write a program that will allow you to enter 2 points and it will place them in to point-slope form. Unfortunately, I'm not competent enough....
[1 reply] : Lines 7-10. You do create four variables, but do not set their values.... (by keskiverto)
I created different style of program this time, but they give me error::/tmp/cczAJxFX.o: In function `main': :(.text.startup+0x41): undefined reference to `Loan...
[6 replies] Last: but i already included the formula inside my class declaretion On wh... (by keskiverto)
by InVain
dynamic casting while initializing a class list
I'm trying to initialize a list of derived/base class pointers to a base type(Employee) head from a file using an overloaded extraction operator. When i initia...
[1 reply] : A dynamic_cast<T*>( foo ) returns either * a valid T* pointer only ... (by keskiverto)
Problems with arrays for a program to grade a multiple choice test
I have a few questions about my code below. I am trying to write a program that grades the answers that are input, and output the amount they got correct, and w...
[3 replies] Last: I've made the changes for the user input to be converted to upper-cas... (by xismn)
Need help on how to load an array by using a file
This is the file arraydata.txt 1 23 45 92 50 88 32 75 84 34 23 0 99 42 50 108 45 21 12 9 72 93 55 100 109 4 8 29 60 18 10 2 13 43 47 72 5 38 62 70 85 22 21 0 ...
[3 replies] Last: What specific problems are you having? If your answer is everything, t... (by chicofeo)
Got an assignment that's due in the very near future not exactly sure as to why the program will not compile, any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciat...
[1 reply] : @AyakaSorii To fix the first problem, add a right curly bracket at li... (by whitenite1)
std::string vs QString
I am writing an application which will eventually be connected to a Qt GUI. In this application, I have a Player class, which will contain information about pl...
[8 replies] Last: I introduce a string element in all derived classes. Both the console... (by helios)
error in program due today!!
Assume a class Window with accessor method getWidth that accepts no parameters and returns an integer . Assume further an array of 3 Window elements name...
[2 replies] Last: THis is a programing lab question usually only have to do the main pro... (by ChungTong)
simple math program.
I am trying to write a simple program that takes a start and end number and determines the largest number in that range that CANNOT be obtained using the number...
[no replies]
April 2016 Pages: 1... 2526272829... 43
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