by bumber
Help with random
[4 replies] Last: Got it. Thanks! (by bumber)
by BillyBob
[6 replies] Last: If it is not in standard library then Can I include it by other sourc... (by BillyBob)
by Dkmariolink
Login system with multiple users
[10 replies] Last: Sorry for the late response. If the file looks like this: bob 123 to... (by xismn)
by ArtisticMess
Sort Help
[2 replies] Last: Wow I can't believe I missed that lol do you have any advice on implem... (by ArtisticMess)
Erase letters via substring..? |
[1 reply] : > if someone plugs in "4 shoes" and "8 Laces," > my final ratio/outpu... (by JLBorges)
by Astrid13
HELP i need this program for a class
[2 replies] Last: After looking in more detail I found quite a few errors that it seems ... (by edge6768)
by XJ9
Trouble with functions (calling and previews)
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! I figured out I needed to change it to void instead of int? (by XJ9)
by Turtily
How to put different objects into vector?
[no replies]
by aidenkael
Opening files and reading from them
[3 replies] Last: Okay, so I made the changes to the code to use a relative path, and it... (by aidenkael)
by bear911
Hash Pyramid with asterisk c++
[3 replies] Last: In pseudo-code for each line for each column in line if somethi... (by keskiverto)
by oscarcabezon
Help with polynomial program
[no replies]
by Yawzheek
The C++ Programming Language (the book)
[2 replies] Last: I would disagree about not using it as a self-study book. I'm self lea... (by etrusks)
What is the point of using linked lists? |
[1 reply] : Why use a Linked List? (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by tarekhojeiri
Problems with SDL 2.0
[2 replies] Last: Hey guys , i managed to fix the problem. for some reason i needed to c... (by tarekhojeiri)
by ShaLee
How to increase the size of the console output
[2 replies] Last: Perfect! That worked! Thank you so much! (by ShaLee)
by awesomesause
solving Ackermann’s Function
[1 reply] : = is assignment == tests for equality Change your if statements. (by Ganado)
by PWookie
Permutation problems
[8 replies] Last: > The canned (presumably optimized) solution is at most O(n*n) The st... (by JLBorges)
by deepcool02
Expected initializer before 'void'
[1 reply] : Line 7: This does not belong here. Delete it. Line 9,10: Forward d... (by AbstractionAnon)
Several build errors, stumped |
[2 replies] Last: In addition to what keskiverto mentioned, I see the following proble... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Zola92
From C to Qt
[1 reply] : Well I think the most important thing to learn are classes and OOP sin... (by Thomas1965)