Beginners - April 2016 (Page 22)

by mada
Help to using Switch case in c++ ?
How do I use switch case in this code ?? I have tried several times , But I really do not know how to make it without error . #include<iostream.h> i...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for correcting me Chervil! (by ImLolly)
by enesdl
Recursive Boolean Function
Hello, I am writing a program for an exercise homework and for some reason my Boolean function is not doing any of the calculations. This was the question: ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you JLBorges it worked! Thanks for everyones help! (by enesdl)
by avarus
Make circles move to opposing directions after sometime
Hey, I am new in c++ programming and I wanted to write a small game using classes and objects. So my problem is that I would like to make the two 'Enemy' circle...
[no replies]
Running two loops at the same time ? moving and traveling using loops.
Hi, I am creating a game where there are two spaceships shooting each other. I currently succeeded making the first spaceship move by using a while loop and the...
[2 replies] Last: Already did, thanks anyway :) (by DatIncredibleGuy)
Polynomial Class
I wasn't given much information other than: develop a C++ class to describe and manipulate polynomials. I tried but I messed up, and I have restarted severa...
[no replies]
by cbar
Tax program using strings, error message
I keep getting an error message that I need to declare 'i' for the scope of my 'for' statement everytime i try to compile my program, i've tried to declare it e...
[1 reply] : inti is not the same as int i (by pnoid)
Find lowest number
I'm having trouble getting my program to display the proper minimum number. It is outputting (-858993460) It is outputting the highest number and average numb...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! I understand it a lot better now. (by govCode)
Help with Final Project ! Parallel arrays, Functions.
Hey guys im new here, getting an error with this i have searched everywhere.. can someone help me please i have to submit this for my project.. The objective is...
[3 replies] Last: What do you mean by "not allowing"? What is the editUpdate() function ... (by Zhuge)
Excel file into structure
When the stringstream copy's the data in the structures it copy's everything fine until the last column. It will not convert the blank tab in the last column to...
[no replies]
by HI281
I am trying to separate a program into separate modules but I cannot figure out these two errors. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ||=== Build: Debug...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry, I must have missed it when copying it into the forum. It should... (by HI281)
Hello everyone, am new to C++, and i have this question : write a program that prompts the user to enter a positive integer number and a character. The programe...
[no replies]
storing and saving multiple inputs in an array
Hello, Can someone please show me an example on how to store several lines of data into an array. Currently, my code can store only 1 field with the data ty...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using names... (by AbstractionAnon)
by enemy
operators overloading in c++
Hello! I am looking at this code and trying to understand what is happening. How does the program "know" that we get BOX3 adding sizes of first 2 ones? Is it be...
[4 replies] Last: CVector operator+ (const CVector& lhs, const CVector& rhs) In this ... (by AbstractionAnon)
program stopped working with random signs in output
I wrote this program to generate random names from given array, on first attempt it ran very well, but after compiling 2 or 3 times, a beep sound started coming...
[1 reply] : I see that r can take any value from 1 to 10. Shouldn't it be any valu... (by Moschops)
Helper functions in classes/Match functions
Ok, I need help with the two functions that convert the title/author strings to all lowercase. I'm supposed to NOT change original strings, but I'm a but confus...
[no replies]
by enemy
classes II - uppercase
Hello! Please, could someone help me with understanding, in the chapter classes II ofthis tutorial, how does the line: ... element+='A'-'a'; wor...
[2 replies] Last: Many thanks!!! completely clear now!!!! :) (by enemy)
find a number in a file with C++
Hello, I would like to know if I have a text file contains two columns and too many rows, how to find a number under the second column by giving the program t...
[1 reply] : Make a loop that reads in numbers from file and checks the values. ... (by Moschops)
want to create table
I want to create a table of names. which type of data type I should use? can somebody give sample code?
[3 replies] Last: Your struct person does not add anything substantial to the array of c... (by keskiverto)
Need help displaying this ASCII
Hello programmers, I'm basically trying to display this piece of Ascii text: _____ _ _ __ __ _ _ / ____| | | | | \...
[3 replies] Last: @Chervil, thank you very much, the double backslash trick worked out. (by MultiMedia)
Specifications: In this assignment, you will create two classes. The first is a sammich class. Your sammich class is to contain the following: Member vari...
[1 reply] : You forgot to put your draft code. What issues are you having? (by chicofeo)
April 2016 Pages: 1... 2021222324... 43
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