Beginners - April 2016 (Page 20)

Pixelate an Image
My instructor wrote this: One way to pixelate an image is to effectively make every nXn non-overlapping window contain the same value (the obvious value is t...
[1 reply] : Are the width and height dimensions always going to be equal? For exam... (by xismn)
Quick Question on most efficient way to store multiple integer values for a baseball game
For my intro to c++ class, we have to write a baseball game as our final project. Its pretty basic and I have a good idea on how I am going to do everything exc...
[2 replies] Last: I agree with integralfx. For example: class Player; class BaseballGa... (by littlepig)
Banking/ATM program, how do I set the current date/time for each action the user does?
I already finished my program, but the last step I'm supposed to complete is a transaction history function. I have the foundation down and the time function co...
[12 replies] Last: bump (by Dkmariolink)
by theox
I'm having a very hard time understanding recursion. Can someone explain to me how this code works. I added some cout statements to try to understand whats goin...
[no replies]
Help with loop or maybe something else IDK
Hello, I am trying to make a program that has to main functions Input & Output each with its own code to complete the tasks. At the moment I am attempting to wo...
[no replies]
Increment Increasing Even Though It Shouldn't?
I am a bit stumped as to why this happening but I am testing to see if a user's input is a whole number and if it falls within a particular number range. The co...
[1 reply] : Hello, when an integer is assigned a value with a decimal point it wil... (by McNo)
Having trouble with encoding program
I'm trying to use an array to encode a line from a file and then output the encoded line to a separate file. The program should look to the array to add a numbe...
[no replies]
Having problem with Dynamic Array!
Anyone please help! I do not know why I get strange output for the code I list below. please explain. #include <iostream> typedef int* InterArrayPtr; vo...
[3 replies] Last: I think I already find out the problem! Thanks @Thomas1965 (by LDbunny)
Program has stopped working
I need to create a program that generates 20 random values and stores them in an array. Then adds those values in a separate function. My program stops working...
[3 replies] Last: Your program works fine with me. The output: 87 53 -858993460 14... (by DeathLeap)
Permutations of String
I'm attempting to find the most efficient method of returning the inverse permutation for a rearranged string, such that each character assumes the position it ...
[7 replies] Last: I'm glad you liked that. That's exactly right about the alphabet type.... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
[5 replies] Last: int numofquestions=4; ans1; ans2 ; ans3; ans4; You need to separate... (by Thomas1965)
by jgeo
substr() not working with pointer to array of terms.
This function of my program is supposed to find the terms in a sorted array that match the key that the user is searching for. This is an autocomplete program. ...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry. p is a pointer to an array of terms, each consisting of a strin... (by jgeo)
Help Me Please :c
I have a little problem, I need to know what the error because it only gives me value and I need capicua values in the range from a to b. Help me: c #inclu...
[no replies]
by tva274
Building a Struct & Struct Arrays
I have struct called part_rec, and each one will be recorded in a struct array called Robot_parts . I am not sure if i should include (Robot_parts ) this in the...
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by dn90
Reading lines of different sizes?
data.txt 1 2 7 4 123 5 6 2 1 1.5 3 2 50 4 50.2 4 5 2 10.5 3 13.9 My code: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> u...
[1 reply] : If you are interested in the contents of each line, read a whole line ... (by Chervil)
Where should I start to learn C++
Hello, I am a 13-year old who wants to learn how to code C++. I have absolutely no experience with coding. I want to buy a book that teaches me how to code C...
[9 replies] Last: Wish you the very best. When you need assistance, post your questions... (by JLBorges)
Help Looping these functions/Array Help
So I've been working on this code, and the whole point of it is to loop at the end and allow the user to input 1,2,3, or 4 and then I print the options. I'm hav...
[no replies]
How do i write this parameter down (C++)
struct node { char Id ; char Name ; int Gender; int Age; int status; struct node *next,*prev; }*curr,*head,*tail,*tcurr; int search(char...
[no replies]
Beginner question.
I'm having a problem getting this code to work properly. When I run it, no matter what selection I put in it gives me the "Invalid Selection" error. Any ideas? ...
[3 replies] Last: @wreckatech You're very welcome. (by whitenite1)
Sudoku Grid Array
Hey Guys, trying to figure out this problem...I have to make a sudoku game, and I am pretty far into it now. This is a snippet of my code, I am just trying to f...
[1 reply] : Change rowsCol to an integer array like gridKnownSE. Use 0 to represen... (by dhayden)
April 2016 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 43
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