Beginners - April 2016 (Page 17)

What are all the common undefined behaviours that a C++ programmer should know about?
On Stackoverflow I found a list of "undefinied behaviours" in coding with c++ beginners should know about:
[no replies]
Easter Calculator Loop help?
The instructions are: Write a program that inputs a beginning year and an ending year and outputs a chart of Easter Sundays. I have the forumla down, I'm ju...
[4 replies] Last: Move all calculations depending on year or yearend after year... (by coder777)
Hello!! what's wrong with my dynamic allocation?
Hello! My homework was to create an class which contain an array of points, and another class that clculate the distance between all the points... In another ...
[5 replies] Last: 3. What does it means?... Does it have any effect about my problem? ... (by keskiverto)
Count and display number of rows and columns of file input
Hi all, I am trying the output the number of rows and columns of a matrix text file. For example, if the matrix text file is 2 10 5 -7 8 9 in its terminal cons...
[13 replies] Last: Ah.. Okay. Upon changing from int to float, the program run perfectly... (by zacdare)
Need help adding looped inputs
I'm writing this program for my custom tee business that I run on the side. I've only been programming since the spring semester started and was wondering how I...
[7 replies] Last: Yes, we did. Today in class we were working with arrays and I realized... (by MasterBrue)
Need solution to solve a simple presentation error
I am facing an error, that is presentation error.Being a beginner to c++ , i am stucked on a question which listed below: Two cars (X and Y) leave in the same ...
[no replies]
Help with my C++ code
When my LargeIn.h implement the DoublyLink.h It come up the error message.Severity Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall DoublyLink<int...
[1 reply] : Sorry, I have no idea. But , I suggest you post the error message as ... (by Tyler T)
Trouble with Class!
I have just learned about Class, and I did one exercise from a book. I do not know why when I insert an invalid input, the program doesn't exit. Please explain!...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks @Tyler T! I did not pay close attention on that. (by LDbunny)
Trying to call a function
So I'm trying to call this function and I keep getting an error I'm not sure how to fix. This is the code. struct Country { string name; double popula...
[1 reply] : If the code above is everything you have, then you got too many proble... (by Star Light)
Ppm lab help?
I've got a general idea of what I need to do but my professor didnt really explain much so I'm at a loss. Can anyone take a look at the write up and my code and...
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by enesdl
(Array Swapping Elements) Game Help
Hi I have some programming homework and I've got the main idea but I am not sure how to swap the numbers in the array. This was the question. This game has 9 ...
[18 replies] Last: Ok, that was very silly of me to miss that... I was staring at it for ... (by enesdl)
by sticks
paper rock scissors
so i started to learn how to code using c++ like 2 days ago and i thought i could write paper rock scissors what do you guys think ? is there an easier w...
[1 reply] : Yes, with some modulo-3 algebra magic: int a_pick, b_pick; // TODO:... (by helios)
Can't get program to read data from file
For my computer science class, I have to modify one of my previous programs so that it accepts inputs from a pre-existing data file. I was able to get this far...
[no replies]
Password program
Okie dokie I have to write a program that takes a password and makes sure it has 8 characters, 1 capital, and 1 lowercase letter. Now I know I'm close. I ca...
[3 replies] Last: Thank y'all so much for the help! Definitely had a few hunches about s... (by Unisaurus)
How to compile this for 64 bit?
Hi, how to compile this ( for 64 bit Windows (32 bit version doesnt kill tooltips in 64 bit applicati...
[9 replies] Last: ?????????????????????????????????????????? --------------------Configu... (by kosamja)
Can someone explain elements of factorial and function of factorial
I know how to wire a code but i dont fully understand the elements of factorial code. int b, a, factorial=1; cout <<"Enter number: "; cin >>b; for (a=1;...
[no replies]
Bugs in Program Due Tomorrow (User Defined Functions)
I am not asking anyone to do my homework, in fact I've got the program almost finished. However, there are a few bugs in the program that when executed repeats ...
[5 replies] Last: Can you message me the full instructions? This looks like a program I ... (by PBachmann)
why doesnt this code work
These are the errors I get. Error C4700 uninitialized local variable 'f' no instance of constructor "project::project" matches the argument list no ins...
[6 replies] Last: thank you very much for your help for initialized thing idont kknow ... (by emaytttt)
Counting parts in a string?
I've got to do a program that counts vowels, the user gives their input and the program outputs the number vowels the input has, it assignment says it HAS to us...
[1 reply] : (by DirtyDan)
April 2016 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 43
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