Beginners - April 2015 (Page 9)

i want to design salary tax calculator, but i need a help.
pls can some one help me with how to design salary tax calculator program.
[1 reply] : Please note, that this is not a homework site. We won't do your homew... (by keskiverto)
salary tax calculator
can any one help me with code documentation.
[no replies]
An array of problems
My arrays are giving me fits. I can't get the void computeSums or the void computeAvgs to work. The data is going into the array just fine but I can't get the s...
[no replies]
Removing comments from a file
Hi, I'm an absolute newbie in C++ and want to do the following: Remove all kinds of comment from a file. I've already searched around a bit and found the fol...
[no replies]
String to matrix
Hi everyone I'd like to transform this string [12 2 3;4.5 -5 3;4 5 7;1 0.1 5] into a matrix 12 2 3 4.5 -5 3 4 5 7 1 0.1 5 ================= tha...
[no replies]
C++ books for complete idiots?
I'm learning C++ from the absolute beginning and I'm ready to call it quits. I don't know if it's the book I'm using, but I don't get it. I don't understand th...
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Temperature array
A weather analysis program uses the following array to store the temperature for each hour of the day on each day of a week. int temp ; Each row represe...
[no replies]
Validating string
Hello. My problem: "Do simlple validation of data entered into a Book; for example, accept ISBNs only of the form n-n-n-x where n is an integer and x is a d...
[no replies]
Hi..can someone explain to me what is errorlnk2019 is all about? I've been running a programmed, and there's a lot of error saying something about unresolved ex...
[1 reply] : 999 times out of 1000 "unresolved external symbol" means you prototype... (by Disch)
by snippo
set::cout help!!!
can someone explain to me how we can use the set::cout with strings
[no replies]
by Thecal
Summing up an Array: Error
Thanks for viewing my post. I am writing a program that reads an input file into an array. The next step is for me to sum up the values of the elements of the a...
[4 replies] Last: As in, the sum of all elements there? You'll need to iterate over that... (by Ramses12)
by Audy45
I need help in answer about array
Hello.. what is answer in code?? Write a function that will return count of even number and the odd number in an array of int? for example : when call the f...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for your helping ... best luck and wishes for you :) i understa... (by Audy45)
Header, function, return value
Okay silly question. I am reading somebody's project trying to map stuff out and learn why they did certain things. Not sure if that is normal or not... :) Wha...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the reply "ultifinitus". I will look into this in more ... (by hiddyhoo)
Need some help with my array code.
Thanks for the help guys :D
[3 replies] Last: > c++ does not support variable length Arrays, so line 48 will give er... (by anup30)
Doubling the size of a stack
Hello, I am writing a function that takes a stack and doubles the size of it and copies the old information from the original stack to the new one. The stack is...
[no replies]
A bit like polymorphism, but with function pointers
Hi. I'm trying to figure out why can't I do this: class base{}; class derived:public base{ public: void func(){}; }; typedef void(base::*p_f)(); int ...
[7 replies] Last: That's what I'm talking about. Thanks! (by Ramses12)
Bigint Multiplication Help C++
Here I've got a SafeArray(not that safe but my teacher said it's fine) class and a bigint class. My bigint class can add and subtract just fine but when I try t...
[12 replies] Last: @fg109 I've enabled PMs. I actually had them enabled until recently. C... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
by Razzex
Operator "+" unusual overload
Hey. Im working on a program and i could use a help overloading operator "+". I want it to merge 2 files together, something like this : FILE3=FILE1...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much for your answer. I am trying to do what you just w... (by Razzex)
by Noajm
segmentation fault 11
Hi it compiles but gave me segmentation fault 11 and also doesn't print the letter as the tree, it printed as list. ? plz help me guys.. thank you #include...
[1 reply] : > Hi it compiles ¿main()? (by ne555)
by Vangy
Should i reread book ?
Hello guys. So i've been reading the book by Stephen Prata, c++ Primer, last edition for 1 and half month now. I'm currently on 490 page out of 1050 but i lost...
[1 reply] : When you are reading you should also program along with it and make us... (by giblit)
April 2015 Pages: 1... 7891011... 52
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