Beginners - April 2015 (Page 8)

can anyone help me out please?
for a student and stores it in the structure.Use the following table to assign points for a course :
[1 reply] : Well,the first time someone reads this,it honestly seems like as if y... (by LadyInRed7)
Problem with my File IO class
Hey guys,I am still stuck in doing file IO and heres the program thats not working. #ifndef PHONEBOOK_H_INCLUDED #define PHONEBOOK_H_INCLUDED #includ...
[no replies]
error: expected primary-expression before... (1,2)
I can't figure out these errors. Every function call I make in the cpp file gives me these errors: movie.cpp: In member function ‘void movie::menu(int, mo...
[39 replies] Last: Ah, alright yeah it works. For this code I was trying out Xcode instea... (by brosephius)
Hello plese I need help!
I need to make a program that Write a program that has two numbers and then prints all the numbers that are between two given numbers, not including these numbe...
[3 replies] Last: I have 13 tasks, if I know how to do this i could do all of them i thi... (by hopkins123)
Help with function that print odd, even, prime, perfect square using arrays.
The program is to print: - number 5 129 times - even numbers until 200 - odd numbers until 200 - perfect square of 1 to 50 - prime numbers of 350. I thi...
[1 reply] : Please use code tags: [co de] Your code [/co de] Read this: http://w... (by coder777)
switch stament instead of ifand else?
okey, i have the start of my first text based game. But as you can se it's connected to my header which is connected to -----------------------------------...
[no replies]
by AT8795
Writing a Function with an Array
Hello everyone. I was attempting to make a code for a problem that has 2 parts. A: Write a function, smallestIndex, that takes as parameters an int array & ...
[7 replies] Last: Exactly that, fix some numbers. (by keskiverto)
Calling function in switch statement, not all control paths return a variable
Not all control paths return a value in the int choose() function. I'm not sure what the issue is, any tips? #include <iostream> using namespace std;...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for all the help all I need left is to loop it, but I'll figure... (by Cpphurts)
Cleaning up code -- grouping parts in {}
Lets say I have a ton of valid if statements as follows: if (){ } if (){ } if (){ } // stops at a 100 if statements w...
[3 replies] Last: If you have thousands of lines of code in a function, adding extraneou... (by cire)
[1 reply] : 111 is an int. 22 is an int. 3333 is an int. (111-22) is an int ((111... (by Peter87)
Input the name of a file to be read in
I need to read in a file, but the user inputs the files name this is what i have so far: cout << "Please enter the name of the file including '.txt',\n" ...
[no replies]
How to find largest number with sentiel-controlled loop
Hi, this is my first time posting here. I'm in my first semester of c++ class. My HW assignment says: Have user enter positive integers and keep track of the...
[2 replies] Last: I found the answer incase one day someone needs it: #include <iostre... (by Mboxer511)
Help me to check it right
Write your question here. This program is to be written to accomplish same objectives, as did the program. Except this time we modularize our program by writi...
[no replies]
Modified Piglatin Script
I have an assignment to modify the below script. It currently only does one word at a time, but I'm supposed to change it so that it will do a whole sentence a...
[no replies]
trying to understand this one line of code
I found this code that shows how to read and write to the serial port and I'm trying to understand the read part if (read(tty_fd,&c,1)>0) write(STDOUT...
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how do i shuffle arrays?
Pretty sure I have it wrong already, I think i may need the rand function but I'm not sure how the for loop would work. Basically there are 6 pictures and they'...
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Rotate a string in C++
Hello, I have to write a function that takes in 2 parameters: a C-style string, and an integer value. The value determines how many slots each letter in the s...
[8 replies] Last: Forget the reverse. Write the oneleft() first. What does happen, whe... (by keskiverto)
How to fix these 4 errors?
This program is supposed to read in a txt file whose first line states the number of rectangles and the lines after state the height and width. Any help you cou...
[18 replies] Last: wow all my errors are gone. now i just have to figure out overloading ... (by misslyss)
Need help with this array code.
so i need to be able to have the user tell me a file to open, in that opened file, i need to write out the array that was filled with random integers. when i co...
[no replies]
by blubb
why does this work?
first i create an empty (doesnt have to be empty) char then i overwrite it with a string which can have any length (hax!?) fopen() accepts it as legit filenam...
[1 reply] : Please, do not doublepost. See (by keskiverto)
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