Beginners - April 2015 (Page 6)

Help with recursive square root
Hello, I am trying to write this recursive function for my class. We are to use Newton's method to find the square root of a nonnegative real number. Here ...
[no replies]
by almica
complex calculator
Hello there I am having some trouble with the coding of a complex calculator. I overload the operators (+-*/) to enable the calculation of complex numbers. At t...
[3 replies] Last: Why do I use the re/im of temp? Well: temp. re = a + b.getReal(); /... (by coder777)
by dagurr
catching error in c++
It is not reading the cathing errors in any way. It just ignores it. Can some one look this over and tell me why? #include <iostream> #include <fstream> ...
[3 replies] Last: thanks for the idea i figured it out (by dagurr)
How do I define and use a struct using separate compilation?
I'm having trouble on how to define a struct in my header file and implement it using my implementation file. "Friends.h" #ifndef FRIENDS_H_ #define FRIENDS_...
[1 reply] : bump (by decoy98)
by tylerb
Bad results in calculating program
Hi folks, I need to write a program that calculates a persons clothing size. The formulas are: Hat size = 2.9 times the weight in pounds divided by heigh...
[4 replies] Last: That worked perfect, thanks a ton! (by tylerb)
String Arrays
So what this program is supposed to do is have you input 10 names into an array then type a name you want to search for and output how many times that name appe...
[2 replies] Last: Works!, can't believe it was that simple, and I completely understand ... (by nsidaris)
Problem with average
This program does not calculate average. I need help to fix it. This is my code. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using nam...
[2 replies] Last: Works perfect. Thank you for your help. (by abcdefghijkl)
loop all the time when hitting q to quit
when i hit q to quit it goes into an infi loop and just goes over and over. Is there another way to make this quit? #include <iostream> using names...
[5 replies] Last: That's because you have a random cin outside the loop itself. Just rem... (by Semoirethe)
Dynamic Array using Data File
I have a data file called "data.txt" which contains an unknown amount of random numbers. I was successfully able to open that file read from it all the numbers ...
[5 replies] Last: Your problem is that you are trying to use std::cin , which is c inpu... (by BlatantlyX)
Write a main function that does the followings: --- Create an empty vector of Student class (see code below). --- Add 4 Student objects to the vector using th...
[3 replies] Last: Please use code tags. But anyway, 1. You need to only declare a defau... (by Semoirethe)
Can a function return an arbitrary container?
Let's say I have a "construct" function. The construct function takes an argument that specifies which container the user wants to be constructed. For exa...
[6 replies] Last: >I s there any possible way for me to deduce the type of T by just exa... (by JLBorges)
Just a quick question
Okay I have fined like 99% of my code but I am getting some kind of return error. error C4716: 'personType::isFirstEqual' : must return a value I can't seem ...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you so much! One of my projects is finished! Thanks for helping... (by Beginner159)
Palindrome Recursive
Make a program that will determine if the entered string is a palindrome or not using the recursion. MAke sure it accepts space and uppercase letter ex: ente...
[1 reply] : Your palindrome algorithm works fine, the issue is in main. It's never... (by Semoirethe)
Arguments/parameters in a callback
I am taking my first C++ college class and we are learning the callback concept. I have the code below that is actually working (it is a callback code that resp...
[1 reply] : Shouldn't it work simply to pass pancakesScreen by reference(or a poin... (by Semoirethe)
by lew13
Need help with a function
Hey guys just trying to pass an array through this function and have it take out the duplicates. I have cruised around the forum to no avail. The pseudocode for...
[2 replies] Last: I didn't get my full code in there I have the parentheses. It doesn't ... (by lew13)
by Aideux
While loops + strings
I want to write a program that allow the console to take in any number of names, and then output the names and the number of names input. The problem is, I want...
[3 replies] Last: As shadowCODE said, you need to check if the LAST element entered is "... (by Semoirethe)
Need help with loops
I need to write a program that takes two years that are input by the user and output every easter sunday in between those years. the problem is that I don't get...
[no replies]
Turing machine simulator
I want a help to make a simple turing machine simulator the user enters the number of states,alphabet,tape,transition,head of the tape position and get the fina...
[2 replies] Last: that's all what i did (by steven99)
HI huge integer broblem
Hellow guys, i had a problem with big numbers, can we read a big number(40 digit) to put him in α table, without puting { number,enter, number.....}
[4 replies] Last: thank you my friend i will look for it :) (by zaforian)
Okay I am having a hard time learning c++ and i think i have this code mostly done i just dont know how to finish it off. Any help would be appreciated. Giv...
[1 reply] : > i just dont know how to finish it off. really? int main() { S... (by shadowCODE)
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