Beginners - April 2015 (Page 40)

Implementing a Stack
Hi, I have used a struct to create this program but don't know how to implement a stack for the below program. Please your help will be much helpful. #incl...
[no replies]
by davidm
float rand
how to rand a number between [0,1).
[10 replies] Last: #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(){... (by anup30)
by Lee125
Possible exam question
Hello my friends. My exam just around the corner. I want prepare some exercise for me before sit the exam. In data structure, I have learned about stack,queue...
[8 replies] Last: I dont know what there is to misunderstand... Im literally telling you... (by TarikNeaj)
I have question on 'Declaring pointers'
Write your question here. Hi I am Joon who is studying C++ with this website. I have question about one of part. At the part 'Declaring pointers' the exam...
[5 replies] Last: └ TarikNeaj Thank you for reply. I haven' read codes tags yet but n... (by Flampard)
by ji3427
help me
i want to make infix to prefix program but this code is that two operand is success but more 3 operand fail plz help stack.cpp #include <iostream> #incl...
[1 reply] : What is your Problem? What does not work? What do you want to accompli... (by Gamer2015)
by Lee125
terminate early. I dont know what wrong with my program? #include<iostream> #include<stack> using namespace std; int main() { int number; stack<int> mySt...
[3 replies] Last: Is that like this. I confuse why we should use char instead we only ci... (by Lee125)
[no replies]
by Lee125
Out of idea
Can anyone give me some idea or tips to make this program in stack. Converting decimal number into a binary number.
[1 reply] : (by anup30)
string search
How do you search a string so that if the string begins with the letter "b" then I can know whether a student will be undergrad or postgrad? So basically I need...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks alot (by Thamsanqa Chembe)
[Levenshtein Distance] Maximal distance to decide that word is not similar
Hai i has been successfully implemented Levenshtein Distance. But now i was confused, what is ideally maximal distance that the word in my data is not similar w...
[no replies]
Cant define template member function
Hi, I can't make this code to run. I think i did everything like in my book but I'm getting these errors. Before i tried to add this get() function everything...
[2 replies] Last: Ohh, thank you very much :) (by etrusks)
Comparing programs
Hello. Is there any way I could compare my solution to the author's original solution? I mean which program ends faster in same inputs. Also, how can I use the ...
[6 replies] Last: I meant: There are .IN, .SOL and mere .txt files. Do you know how t... (by mighty asker)
Queue class
I wanted to make a Queue class using linked list implementation and I tried . this is my code and its pop method has problem. plz help me. #include <ios...
[13 replies] Last: That code is still wrong, because new S() returns the address of the... (by fg109)
Simple linear chained alphabetized lists
Hi guys i got a big problem on my head, i missed some weeks of school because of a surgery and now i have to make a project by tomorrow and i have no clue how t...
[12 replies] Last: good to hear :) (by Gamer2015)
Again trouble :(
After not being able to find out what was is wrong in this program I tried to write another one just to remember...
[4 replies] Last: oh, thank you ! :D (by Gamer2015)
Printing a double linked list backwards
Hello everybody, I am trying to write a function to print my list backwards yet my compiler is giving me errors about accessing the memory or that there is noth...
[14 replies] Last: Let's look at addAfter() again. Remember, here's what I said in anothe... (by dhayden)
parsing argv
I want to be able to put a couple of optional arguments on the command line and extract the values, something like this: my_program verbose=true count=10 ...
[no replies]
Open File function
Hi all, I've just about finished that program (so can hopefully stop pestering you all with it soon). All my functions are written and working, but I need help ...
[4 replies] Last: No idea what's wrong without seeing more of your code. What does the ... (by fg109)
Doubly Linked List
Why does it breaks? Unhandled exception at 0x001D8D52 in Project13.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000008. at line 32 head->prev = newN...
[4 replies] Last: lmao yeah that's my only error. Thank you! (by Vandalism)
by Thecal
Function Parameters
Hey all, had a question about function parameters. If parameters of a function are optional, why go through the trouble of using them? Can't you call a fu...
[3 replies] Last: Personally, I love function parameters. You just have to know when the... (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
April 2015 Pages: 1... 3839404142... 52
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